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In French Polynesia they have seen them!

1920, Paea. In the Orofero valley, in the evening, a hunter in his hut saw a very bright light shining outside. Petrified, he could only watch without reacting. The next morning, he discovered a circle of burnt grass at the place where the bright light stood.

1923, Papara. A family saw two unidentified objects in the sky.

1956, Marquesas islands. Inhabitants of Ua Pou islands saw a huge illuminated thing fly over them very slowly. It was silently moving, and it covered the whole valley. In 1967, the same object was seen in the Tuamotu islands, over Hao.

1975, Paea. A whole family standing on the seashore saw a device hovering above the lagoon. Its shape was like a reversed dome and it illuminated the whole area.

1975, Mahaena. A device was seen hovering above the clouds; later it was seen on the coast of Pamatai (Faa'a).

1981, Arue. A man observed a device hovering at the height of a coconut tree, looking like the Challenger shuttle. He could see a couple of silhouettes inside.

May 10, 1988, Paea. Guy Jacquet and Tino Pahio were drinking milk on the pk-26 bridge. All of a sudden, Tino Pahio screamed: "Varua ino!" (bad spirit). Between the islands of Tahiti and Moorea, they could see a group of seven oval-shaped objects with blue-green haloes. Between 22:30 and 02:30 that night, several people could see the same thing in Tahiti, in Moorea and in Raiatea.

August 1988, Taravao plateau. Guy Jacquet and his daughter Temoko observed an immense vessel.

October 23,1988, Marquesas islands. Luminous flying object came together and formed a perfect triangle.

1990, Papenoo. A couple saw a luminous object on the beach, six or seven metres away from them. The object sitting on the ground was luminous but not dazzling. When they left, the object followed them.

1994, Paea. Jean-Pierre Fourcade saw a device coming from the seashore, slowly coming closer to his property, then turning away towards Punaauia. His testimony was confirmed by several people.

Those sightings were related by ecologist Guy Jacquet. He saw some of these phenomena, and collected the other accounts from witnesses, using a standard questionnaire (date of sighting, location, shape and colour of object, weather condition, etc.) He then came back a few months later to verify the information by asking the same questions. This list is not exhaustive.

If on our planet Tubuai is not known as the best touristic island, people from another planetary system might think differently... if we believe the numerous sightings of UFO's (Unidentified Flying Objects) reported there. Taking advantage of a visit on Tubuai island, phenomena specialist Guy Jacquet did his own cross investigation about the last sightings that had been recorded about 10 years ago at the police station. That is how he could meet one of the observants, Philippe Bonnet, who told him how the event occurred.

"At nightfall, we had left home and were hunting wild chickens in the Huahine district, in the central part of the island. At about 9 PM, as we were climbing in a mango tree to catch them, my friends and me had our attention caught by very bright lights on the side of the mountain called "the lying man".

After a pause, he continued: "We firstly thought they were army helicopters, but we could not hear any engine noise. That is why we decided to get closer to them, but... we could not start the car! We continued on foot, heading towards the mountain."

Philippe Bonnet continued: "Five large, disc-shaped UFO's could be seen, not far from the rocky peak called Pahatu. One of them had landed at mid-slope, near a cave; the others were in geostationary position on the left and right side of the first one."

But that was not the end: "I turned my flash-light towards the UFO that had landed, and the latter sent back a powerful beam of light in our direction, the diameter of which was at least 500 metres. The light was as bright as daylight."

Lastly: "Around 01:00 AM, the UFO's took off towards Haramea, where they were also observed. In the following days, we went back to the place with the police, and we noticed that the cave had crumbled into a mass of fallen rocks."

For Guy Jacquet, this account corroborates a series of sightings made by other people on this island.

A testimony about the sighting of a luminous phenomenon in Tahiti, French Polynesia:

On the 19th of May 2009, over the heights of Pamatai, in Tahiti, French Polynesia, two ladies living in this suburb observed a sort of ball of green and red light that kept going through the same trajectory. This sighting was made by means of an astronomical instrument during several nights.




Formerly, in the islands of Polynesia, various forms of magic were performed by sorcerers called feia tahutahu.

Tikis, also called Ti'i , were used as the main communication means with family spirits.

According to Tahitian people, Tikis or Ti'i (seekers) continued to perform the malevolent magical practices of Ti'i , the first Man who owned a white "seeking" heron. They were displayed in sacred places called marae .

Nowadays, tikis still are very much respected and are the object of a sacred cult. You should never displace a tiki without asking a sorcerer beforehand. Those who did ended up in difficult situations, such as illness, death, serious accidents... There are all kinds of accounts of strange facts on this topic. It is part of the traditional Tahitian culture.