


Why Have We Been Created on This Planet, the Earth?
We have been created on this planet because all the human beings are diverted from a dimension of Sumerian essence working on the planes of matter. The body that man has on this planet varies according to the energy states of this world. If you had less condensed a planet, you would be in a different energy state. You would be in a higher state of transfer. Your codification would not be so much condensed.

Where Does This World Come From?
The formal terrestrial world stems from a planet of energy, the elements of which are much subtler. The organ of life is one of the elements that presided over the formation of this planet. It was an energy system, and its possibilities of transfer keep existing now on the subtle plane of this planet; but it had much less condensed a codification. The planet built itself from elements that were attuned to its circuit. Then, condensations gradually appeared, according to transformations occurring in the space-time field in which this world existed. All planets are built from subtle energies that drift according to the energies having been attuned to this circuit, the latter being linked to this system according to transformations carried out in the space-time field in which they are formalised. So, the body of inferiority is made according to the system of world on which this body has been created.

How Did All This Begin?
A communication was set up between the plane of unitary form and the circuits of external emergence that had been moved throughout several million years. The body of numeration created in that time had no inner codification. Then gradually, through the transformations that took place, the body of form was achieved on the visible plane. Formal bodies only gradually appear on the plane of forms because networks of internal energy only concentrate according to the codifications that are set up. All this began with an inner transformation of the circuit that started integrating itself into a programme of emergence on the external plane. Once this system was set up upon this external operation, the first materialised energy configurations were achieved and the first formal signatures were born. The configuration of the system gradually increased as certain companions of external transfer set themselves on this figure and started condensing circuits until they made them appear more and more powerfully. Matter is a condensation of energy and energy is directed by consciousness.
The beings that created this planet have reconnected themselves, some of them from metallian signatures, others from external emergent signatures, and others from signatures of numeration of synthesis. Those that repatriated themselves from antennas of power are still standing within the nucleus of Earth. But those coming from external emergent signatures have reconnected figures of condensation that stemmed from all kinds of directions and were recorded by this planet as and when it became constituted. Those stemming from numerations of unitary synthesis have formalised the creatures that were affixed on the surface of this planet. Most creatures affixed on the surface of this planet can be numbered by the systems of numeration of synthesis. This is the reason why the matter of corporeality does not stem from the planetary system directly. This matter has been built with the system of the unity of synthesis and upon transformations that were carried out from one creature into another. The organ of life is not a metallised organ; it is numbered from signatures of Sumerian essence. He who has a contract with the heaven always has a numerator that can give him information about his origin.

Translation update 10.2003
Website update 30/07/2004

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