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Tome VI

Translation Update 30/07/2004

Chapter 51: Transmutation and the Path of Return
Chapter 52: Contract of Interiority; The Dematerialisation of Substance
Chapter 53: Signing the Contrat of Internal Emergence
Chapter 54: Creation of a Transmitting-Receiving Antenna
Chapter 55: Zone of Transfer
Chapter 56: Imperious Figure and Chain of Transfer of Light
Chapter 57:
The Figure of Return
Chapter 58: Operation of Interiorisation of a Planet
Chapter 59: A Programme of Mastery
Chapter 60: Contract of Insertion

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I Resonators

1. Figures of Energy Surrounding the Physical Body

Very often, the bodies are attuned to other vehicles. The physical body has more than a single figure that signs it with the planes of the unity. Certain energies counsel and surround it; they transform it and they realise it. Most figures surrounding a formalised vehicle are figures that sign in the inside of this body. This is the reason why, when the physical body moves too far away from a zone of inner signature, these energy elements attuned to the physical vehicle cannot keep standing inside this body. At that moment, this being finds out that it needs to have places, energy fields or organised systems - such as a number of objects of a certain quality - making it possible to move these figures allied to the body onto elements that stand in the periphery of this body but that are not taken away into the same activities as this vehicle.

2. Resonances between Worlds; Interiorisation

3. The Reinsertion of Figures: Redemption of the Mother by the Son

II Formal Body, Subtle Vehicles, and the Path of Return

1. Making a Successful Signature of Emergence through the Mastery of One's Limit; The Prophets' Programme of Interiority

2 . Body of Form and Circles of Synthesis; Power of Inner Unitary Transfer

3 . Cord of Life and Signature of Power

4 . Codification of Interiority, and Path of Return

5 . Resurrection and the Number



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I Networks of Emergence and Body of Light

1. External and Imperious Control

The forms of control that start figuring around a formal vehicle always have an operation to carry out before they can directly contact this vehicle. Indeed, there exist energy elements in the bodies that are permanently encountering these bodies and that enable their system of internal transmitter to unfold on the outside solely when the organs of external transfer that were brought together around this body are in a figure of transmutation. The codings of numeration that invert themselves in a body of form are always attuned to codifications that start functioning again if and when the imperious transmitting codifications that became initiated until this body are in so specific a function of internal energy that they can be reconnected to this vehicle. However, the imperious forms of control that sign contracts of force are always in extremely difficult situations. The most inferior part of the circuit is always quite complex to move.

2. Contract of Interiority or Exterior Signature; Parallel Motors of Transfer

3 . Body of Life and Body of Energy

4 . Realisation of the Sumerianised Emergent Body; Intervention of the Council 56-57-58

5 . Incarnation Programme and Synthetic Communication

II Dematerialising the Substantial Body

III A Programme of Internal and Imperious Emergence




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I Steps of the Rrogramme of Emergence

1. Programme of Ultimate Synthetic Numeration, and Organ of Interiority

Orders have been given on the planes of internal energy so that the bodies that are attuned to their signatures do not move beyond a certain limit. Those having contracts of interiority reconnected to this signature must conceive that their life can no longer unfold according to exactions that were the habit of all those living by norms that are not coded on antennas of inner numeration. The contract of interiority is a signature of emergence that is specified on a vehicle and that enables it to weld its signatures onto an antenna of synthesis with much greater efficiency. But it requires, from the individual who is the seat of this numeral correlation, a kind of internal numeration that will continuously repatriate it towards the signatures of unitary numeration.
If you were to carry out a programme of ultimate synthetic numeration, your organ of interiority would completely take precedence over your lower form. (...)

2. Disconnection in Exterior and Inferior Zones; Conditions for a Codification of

3 . Permanent Contract of Interiorisation, and the Right of Return

4 . Being Released from the Hookings of Power; Soarings of Light

5 . The Repatriation of External Networks into a Zone of Synthesis; Circles of Light

6 . Spheres of Emergence, and Beams of Synthetic Emergence

7 . Organ of Interiority, and Control of Numeration of Synthesis

8 . Interiorisation Process and Changes of Emergence

9 . Systems of Life, and Normalisation of Interiority

10. Ensign of Emergence, and Unitary Combination

11. Organ of Interiority, and the Fields of Emergence of Light

II Conditions for The Contract of Immortality




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I Transfer of Internal Numeration

1. A Programme of Internal Transmitter in a Line of Numeration;

The sisters and the brothers watching over a circle of numeration and living around this circuit always have to carry out a programme of transmitter inside them, in addition to the signature that they must achieve in order to set themselves in agreement with this circuit of internal numeration. This is the point that we have now reached as far as the work of transfer carried out around this line of numeration is concerned, because the bodies of mutant that insinuate themselves into the circuits that start working around this line of numeration have a transfer of internal numeration that must enter in phase with the system of internal unitary numeration. (...)

2. Organ of Unitary Synthetic Transfer

3. The Transmutation and Pre-Processing of Systems of Numeration Surrounding the System of Numeration of Synthesis

4 . Codification of Sumerian Essence In Several Steps

5 . Unitary Beam and Ensign of Transfer

II Contract of Numeration of Resonance, and External Control

1. Corification and Internal Initiatory Resonance

2. Starting up the Controllers of Interiority; Ferseals and Fersisters

3. Network of External Emergence

4. Configuration of the Motor of Interiority; Control 56-57-58 Surrounding the 55

5 . Consigurations, and Circles of Numeration

III A System of Transmitting-Receiving Antenna

1. Beams of Emergence In Several Floors; Antenna of Internal Energy

2 . Being a Receiver, an Amplifyer or a Transformer

3 . Robotic Systems in the Plane of Sumerian Essences; "Help Yourself Then Heaven Shall Help You"

4 . How to Subdue your Circle of Force to your Signature of Emergence

5 . Recentralising the Numerators of Interiority in Low, Medium and High Frequencies

6 . The Dimension of High Mastery

7 . Chain of Emergence



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I Repatriation of the Being's Totality

1. The Integration and Balance of Numerations Attuned to a Being

The most important, for the inner life, is to integrate the numerations that are attuned to your own specific system. When a man of inner control is collecting his figures of imperious mutant, and when he has a contract of interiority putting him in the line of a circuit of Sumerian essence, his exterior personalities - in other words, the frames of control that he can involve in his own system of interiority -, the circles of numeration that, while yet standing in exterior zones, can move certain figures away from him because he has a transfer of numeration that is being done in this exterior zones - his circles of exterior figure, which are numbered or enframed by the systems of internal transmitter gathered together on one single figure, can work directly with his system of internal numeration. They can make contacts with signatures of exteriority whose controls are distant with regards to the system of interiority. (...)

2. Difficult Numeral Communication and Skid of Imbalanced Circuits

3. Diversion, and the Figure of Ester-85

4. Energy Pit and Increase of Power

5. Balance between the Mighty-One and the Controls of Exteriority; Or-7

II Collecting the Elements of Transfer

III Integration into a Signature of Interiority



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I System of Imperious Mutants, and Circles of Numeration

1. The Transfer of Imperious Figures; Emergent Metards

The transfers of imperious figure that want to manage to sign their contract on a dimension of synthesis have not always been organised by powers favourable to human inferior training. Sometimes, they utilise the human body as a simple communicative system, and they move behind this circuit without giving it much chance of possibly stand the impact of these forces. That is why the powers wanting to successfully sign their contract without provoking this kind of distortion of the human system always had to contact the circuit according to their inner verification. Although the contract is not always extremely precise because the zone is not extremely precise with regards to the signatory of the internal unity, it is nevertheless possible to define a codification concerning the approaches of the system of imperious mutant. (..)

2. Crystallisation; Covinar-3

3.Goldsmith of the Unity, Organs of Emergence

4. X13 Signal of Limit

5. Utilisation of Robotic Circuits; Council-6 and Council-7

6 . System-55, Consecration and Twisted 56-57-58 Syste

II Contracts-55-56-57-58 and Codification of Light

1. Transfer of Interference in Zones of Power

2. Contract of Interiority, and Council-7

3. External System, Infernel System, and Internal Unitary System

4. The Organ of Interiority of Light-56-57-58 and the Inferiorised P4

5. Circle-2, Particle of Tornado, and Distortions

6. Contract of Insertion on an Antenna of Synthetic Transfer, and the 56-57-58

III Chain of Transfer and Internal Numeration 55-56-57-58



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I Formal Body and Organ of Interiority

1. Organ of Life and Organ of Interiority

When a codification of interiority starts figuring/appearing amongst the beings of form, a certain communication with the inner essence takes place. The organ of life is not a system of interiority; it is a system of exterior emergence ensured of continuity with the system of interiority because the inner contract has signed a contract of transfer with the signal of power that watches over human life. But this body is not a complete figure. It lacks certain elements that would conform it to immortal life. The organ of interiority is an element reconnected to the inner unity. In this way, you are rallied to immortality, but only by means of your inner system.
The organ of interiority is a system of emergence in direct continuity with the internal unity. If you were attuned to a complete signature in this domain, you would be absolutely integrated in the immortal figure. (...)

2. Codifier of Interiority and Signature of Sumerian Control

3. Organ of Life and Operation of Power

4. Process of Inferiorisation and Powers in Mortal Figure

5. The Reconnection of Remote Systems of Power; Transferor of Internal Interference

6. The Combination of Systems in Sumerian Transformation

7. Contract between the Sumerians and the Systems of Power

II Communication between Earth and Heaven

III Circles of the Unity and Code of the Internal Unity



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I The Monitoring of Worlds

1. The Formal Plane of Planet Earth; Internal Numeration and Circle of Power

The sisters and brothers who supervise bodies and who watch over motors of life are also circles of light. They have space-time portions to monitor. In fact, most networks monitoring worlds are all unified with one another. The space-time portion covered by the formal plane of planet Earth is a zone whose operations under process the councils of the order have always monitored. There is a particle of light that watches over the body of form; and this body of form cannot drift beyond the controls of this particle of light. If this were not, the body of form would no longer turn in the direction of returns, and it would leave the zone of syntheses to disappear in zones of recasting. What is the contract that binds these two systems together? It is the configuration of signals of internal numeration. (...)

2. Fathers-of-U, and Normalisers of Imperious Figure

3. Junction to a System of Unitary Synthesis

II Process of Interiorisation and Circles of Numeration

1. Co-ordination between all Systems through the Council-6

2. Concentration of Interiorisation

3. Intergalactic Fraternising of Energy

4. Transfers of Emergence from the 56-57-58

5. Available Time for the Signature of a Being's Contract of Interiorisation

6. Regrouping on an Antenna of Transfer


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I Interdimensional Transfer and inferior Kingdom

1. Cords of Imperious Numeration, and Programme of Numeration of

Certain cords of imperious numeration have been collected to restore communications with systems of interiority whose codes of numeration will not be functioning before several years on this planet. But the motors of interiority however have a dimension of Sumerian essence enabling them to reconnect figures even without the planet's system of imperious transmitter being under operation. So, you have signatures of energy that are being set up according to the codifications attuned to the signal of transfer, whose normalisations of interiority are set up and achieved from the moment a communication of insertion starts functioning.

2. Codification of Inferiority, and Relaying-Links of Emergence

3. How to Set up conditions of Emergence; Systems of Limit between this Plane and Death

4. The Hells; Diversion out of this World, and Re-emergence

5 . The Junction of Circles of Power of Limit, and Circles-56-57-58

6 . Signal of Terminal Numeration, and Negotiation in the Plane of the Dead

II Numeral Exchange of Insertion in Remote Systems

1. Circle of the Eternel, and Figures of Rebellion

2. A Selection of Numeration; Reproducing the System-56-57-58 at Every Floor


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I Art Creation, Fame, and Recovery of the System of Insertion

1. Art Creation and Form of Transfer

Men on the planet of form open doors, and they do not shut them afterwards. Sometimes, they spend many years signing on a difficult contract; later, they move on and they enter other worlds. As far as the beings having toiled on this plane for many years are concerned, they corrupted their circuit until they took a form in the plane of inferior beings. During many years, they took energy loads that matched their decline. Later, they created conditions of elevation. But, from the moment they moved out of this world, communication with these doors of power happened to be unfastened. The worlds were attuned to signatures that took those descended figures; and they turned them into kinds of elements to change certain dimensions.
When artists have created forms on this plane, they have executed a plan coming from another dimension. (...)

2. Fame after Death, and Junction of Imperious Figure

3 . Rising up again, and the Recovery of the Systems of Insertion

4 . Leaving the Formal Body: Unitary Insertion, Re-incarnation or Infernel Dive

II Contract of Insertion

1. Contract of Insertion in an Infernel Zone

2. System of Inversion in a Zone of Power

3. Council-6, Coding of Numeration, and Immortality

4. Codification of Light, and Synchronisation of Lunera

5. Ensign-6, Circle of Lunera, and the Formation of a Body of Light

6. The Decision of Unification - Extracting one's Root from Below to Integrate one's Totality Above

7. A Junction in Totality: Conditions for Synthetic Unification

8. Contract of Insertion; Junction to an Inner System of Unification

9. Decision Making and Timing of Transfer: A Programme of Insertion

10. Control-6, and Division of the Programme of Insertion

11. Impossible to Sign Contracts in Zones unlikely to Be Numbered

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SERIES N°28: STRESS Back to top



1 What is Hypnosis?

2 Is there a Danger in the Practice of Hypnosis?

3 Why are Certain Vehicles more Psychic than Others?

4 When We Have an Out-of-Body Journey, or when We Leave the Physical Body and Find Ourselves Again in the Unitary Field, what Must We Do?

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