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Tome V

Unitary Science
Questions - Answers

Translation update 10/2003

Chapter 41: Interdimensional Communication, Agreement between Worlds
Chapter 42: Normalisation
Chapter 43: The Human Being's Vehicles
Chapter 44: Signature of Synthesis
Chapter 45: The Line of Immortality
Chapter 46: Synthetic Numeration and Integration of Light
Chapter 47: Unity-Multiplicity Conjunction
Chapter 48: Incarnation and Sumerian Emergence
Chapter 49: Number and Codification
Chapter 50: Signature of Sumerian Synthesis

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I. Correlations of Emergence between Men and Women

1. Extremely Compact Energy, and Yang Correlation

The networks of transmitter working on a body always have problems of control regarding the elements standing outside of this body. Most beings living on a disconnected planet have a contract of interiority undergoing severe testing with regard to the signatory of the internal unity, for their correlations of transmitter are always divided into several parts, due to the fact that their numeration of exteriority for a very long time was utilised to protect systems of inner emergence against energy pressures and dispersions that are done from zones of exterior mutants. The matter of a body indeed must be integrated in a steaming way, because the contract of interiority can be set up if the being's system of emergence is not in a state of excessive condensation. "In a steaming way" means a state that is less condensed than the usual state of energetic(*) matter. (…)
(* Energetic: from the world of energy; made of energy. TN).

2. Great Subtlety and Yin Correlation

3. The System of Transmitter of Man-Woman and Parent-Child Correlations

4. Exteriorisation of the Yin-Yang Zone of Numeration

5. Extreme-supreme Resonator: Head and Body

6. Amplification of Emergence around a Numerator of Interiority

7. Regrouping Around a Numerator of Interiority

8. Reconnecting the Field of Mortal to the Immortal

II. A Process of Synthetic Unitary Junction

1. Shunt of Emergence

2. Internal Codification and Exterior Corporeal System

3. Transfer, and Numeration of Interiority

4. Creating the Organ of Sumerian Synthesis

5. Journeying Out of the Physical Body

6. Making the Minutings of Light Stronger

7. Multidimensional Junction, and the Power of Reinsertion

8. Transmutation of the Ber System - Mothership

9. Glorious Body, a State of Condensation of Light

10. Agreement with Other Planets ; The Systems of Equivalence between Worlds

III. Conference of the Unity and Unitary Reinsertion

1. Operation of Internal Eneter

2. Exchanges of Energy inside Motherships

3. Integration into a System of Internal Numeration

4. Contracts of Interiority under the Form of a Numerology

5. The Birth of Numerations on a Disconnected World

6. The Junction of Disconnected Worlds ; the Minuting of Figures to be Reintegrated

7. The Codings of Synthetic Energy, and the Numbers

8. Codification of Internal Emergence

9. Improvement of the Signatures of Synthesis ; Supra-universal Controls

10. Equilibrium between Signatures of Energy and Signatures of Consciousness

11. Incomplete Truth, or Intra-universal Truth



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I Control of Numeration and Process of Normalisation

1. Normalisation of Interiority, Numeration of Exteriority

The transferors of the internal unity that engrave circuits on an antenna of unitary transfer wait until the controls of numeration are set up before they start the operations of synthesis. Most frames of control that are set up around the bodies of numeration are always assembled by powers that wish to collect their figures onto a more interior antenna.
When you number circuits of synthetic transfer while the code of exterior numeration is still in difficulty to catch up with its circuit of synchronised numeration, you have a normaliser of interiority that gets going. This numerator of exteriority, or normaliser of interiority - since there is an exchange between those two systems - makes it possible to number circuits of emergence attuned to powers whose contracts of interiority would be almost impossible to move if the numerator of interiority did not possess a controlling figure adapted to the making of the signature. However, certain motors of transfer do not want to move this kind of figure because it is lying in extremely remote zones. (…)

2. Non-Integrable System of Power ; Operation of Emergence of External Power

3. Codification of Numeration

4. Amplified Code of Numeration, and Normalisation

5. Normalisation of Imperious Figure

6. Direct Junction of Imperious Emergence

II Material Condensation and Zones of Subtlety

1. Floors of Numeration and Energy Blocks

2. Energy Codings of the Matter ; Crystals

3. The Building of Subtle Signatures Starting From the Mortal Formal System

4. Particle Creation within the Creature

5. A Particle Network Created Following the Substantial Body ; Contracts of Transfer

III The Being's Destiny

1. Combining the Numerator of Interiority with Its Signal of Synthesis

2. Internal Programming and Direct Contact

3. Contract of Imperious Figure ; Robotic Recording

4. Change of Destiny and Acceleration of Transfer

5. Building the Mecaniser of Imperious Figure

6. Incomplete Destinies ; Infermuration



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I Unitary Junction and Border of Disconnection

1. Numerations of Transfer in Three Parts - Issuing and Returning

The system of numeration combining the circuits around a formal vehicle always has an energy of transfer that must be set up. The most inner part of their system can be repatriated on to this vehicle centralising the signature. But the numerations of transfer are being done in three parts:
- The most internal part is being repatriated on the internal numerator of this signature of emergence.
- The intermediary parts combine their figures to change certain conditions of numeration concerning the other systems of transmitter surrounding its circuit of numeration.
- There is a third signature of emergence that is being carried out in double part, because the space-time portion covered by such an energy exchange causes the fact that a part of the figures of emergence that are being numered on a system of internal unitary numeration links up with the system of Sumerian synthesis, while a part of the elements of external transfer moves on and, on the contrary, goes down into the systems of power to assemble figures on an antenna of synthetic numeration, but in an energy field displayed on a larger number of floors. (…)

2. Vessels of Internal Energy and Disconnected Zones

3. Diverted Systems of Internal Transmitter - Orbiting Station

4. The Organ of Sumerian Synthesis of a Reconnected and Enlightened Body

5. Sumerian Synthesis, and Synchronised Imperious Centralisation

6. The Enframing of Explosive Systems; Control of Insertion

7. The Rapport of Processes of Transmitter with Zones of Power

8. Rocar, Master of the Esser Section-9

9. Pairing with Other Worlds

II Vehicles of Consciousness and of Power

1. Bodies of Subtle Energy ; Physical Body ; Body of Inferior Power

2. Body of Interior Insertion, and Physical Body; Out-of-Body Journey and the Risk of Discontinuity

3. Repatriating the Mighty-One into the Physical Body

4. Creation of the Organ of Interiority



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I Junction of the System of Unitary Numeration

1. Sumerianisation of the Coded System of Interiority ; Imperious Junction

The inside of a system of unitary numeration can be changed into a signature of synthesis according to the mastrers supervising this circuit. When you transmit on a coded system of interiority, its system of numeration becomes sumerianised - in other words, it brings its energy into a zone of numeration enframed by a higher circuit of synthesis. When you initiate a system into resonating with these circuits of unitary synthesis, the major part of its figures moves into this circuit. Since the circuit of interiority needs to collect itself together in a more inner way to be able to attune its circuits to this dimension, normalisations are also done on the lower floors of this circuit. Then, the most imperious matter ever existing is being transformed by this operation. In this way, the wedding of inner numeration becomes reconnected in the inside of the system of synthesis, by means of powers of imperious numeration having contacts of transfer with this system, but that do not set up the figure, for reasons of terminal mutant, because of the imperious conifications that will not sign their contract if the numerator of interiority cannot immediately intervene in the circuit of unitary synthesis. (…)

2. Transfer between Super-Human and Under-Human Levels - Cobification

3. Energy Gaps, and the Line of Immortality

II Process of Internal Unitary Transfer

1. The Factors of Variation of Human States of Energy

2. Position of the B4

3. Final Transferor and Large-scale Configuration of Emergence

4. Plane of Transfer and Covinaculated Space-Time Portions

5. Time Difference between the Energy of Sumerian Essence and the Power of Emergence

6. Stress, and Equalisation of Emergence

7. Diversion of Emergence, Illusion, and the Temptation of Power

8. The Exact Conditions of Exteriorisation; Signature of Eternel-3

9. Incomplete Part of Emergence

10. Concentration of Energy, and Complete Signature of the Being; Extension, and Risk of Distorsion

11. Integration into the Axis of Numeration of Synthesis

12. Avoid the Spacious Paths Leading into the Abyss




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I Attunement of the Control of Interiority

1. Controllers of Synthetic Numeration ; Destruction, Transformation,

Certain numerations of interiority code the circuits of force that get under way towards a signature of unitary synthesis. But the controls of transfer that are being done on exterior circles require unitary communications much more interior than those that were practised when the operations of exteriority were extremely diffuse. Indeed, the controllers of synthetic numeration take action when the control of interiority is attuned to a figure of power matching the numerations of synthesis in presence.
If imperious normalisations are done on antennas of very strong imperious mutants, the codification of unitary synthesis also is reinforced. That is why the codifiers of synthetic numeration idis-3-07, vessel-1425, have always demanded that the controllers of exteriority be at the configuration of control corresponding to the line of synthetic numeration that is being created between the numerator of unitary synthesis and the powers of imperious destruction starting to appear among the circuits to be recorded. (…)

2. Incarnation Programme: Regrouping of Imperious Mutants, and Unitary Sumerianisation

3. Antenna of Unitary Synthesis and Line of Immortality

4. Incarnation of the System of Synthetic Transmitter; Organ of External Transfer

5. Numeration of Synthesis of Imperious Mutant

6. Circles of Imperious Numeration and Network of Emergence

7. Transformation of the Transmitting Body; Disappearance Downwards, Outwards or Upwards

II Steps of the Sumerian Transfer

1. Miniaturisation of the Atomico-Molecular System; Complete Numeral Codification

2. Junction of the Motor of Imperious Figure; Fraternising with Exterior Mutants

3. Dividing the Codifiers of Interiority

4. A Field of Peripheral Emergence ; The Repatriation of External Configurations



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I System of External Transmitter and System of Synthesis

1. Luminous Integration

Once again, you must look at the figures in a precise way, for there is, in each energy, a potential power that yet can be attuned if you unify your circuits more correctly. Sometimes, when you park the circuits of a signature of synthesis, increasingly energetic figures gather around this system, and the latter can give it communications with planes whose networks of emergence are not always very simple to integrate. As a consequence, you must luminously integrate the figures with a system of external transmitter, before unifying them in the circuit of synthetic numeration. The orkane of light standing around a body is an organ of synthesis communicative with the fields of power, but that guides the circuits before they become integrated into the internal numerator. These forces of imperious mutant engraved on antennas of power, insinuating themselves into the zones of light, and engraving figures on the antenna of the syntheses, in fact, are signals of emergence issued from the most imperious layers of death. (…)

2. Contact with the Systems of Force

3. Incarnation of a System of Sumerian Numeration; Programme of Emergence of the Forms

4. Fraternisings of Light between System of Synthetic Transmitter and Systems of Imperious Mutant

5. Contacts of Interiorisation on a Disconnected Planet

6. A Synchronisation for the Contracts of Interiority; Cigar-2 and Cigar-3

7. Signature of a Contract on Portions-55-56-57-58, and Synthetic Communication

8. Fraternising with Excessively Heavy Zones of Emergence

9. Contract-10 and Ber-4

10. Organ of the Fathers-of-U and Lunitic Figure; Earth 4

11. The Conquest of Immortality; Exterior Violence and Inner Force

II Advice on How to Study this Transmission

1. The Contract of Interiority

2. Action over Powers of Inferior Mortals

3. Action on Exterior Zones of Numeration

4. Transformation on an Antenna of Sumerian Essence

5. Delineating and Controlling an Energy Field Apt to be Attuned to the Signal of Sumerian Essence


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I Synthetic Numeration and External Emergence

1. Sensitising Process, an Incomplete Emergence

The masters supervising the bodies of life - therefore leaving certain zones of power to return into zones of form - always need to carry out a programme through these forms; for a programme is being carried out between planes of the unity and planes of the force. When motors of interiority insinuate themselves into these zones of transfer, their corporeality stands in a field of polarisation that makes it possible, for the energy states of this being, to become unified in a figure that will carry out a kind of numeration whose codes of numeration are specific to the figure of which it is spoken. When you live on a rather powerful transmitting board - in other words, in an organisation enabling you to enter zones of rather accelerated transmutation -, the numeration of interiority at play then rather quickly permits to sumerianise certain figures of imperious transmitter that will not encounter the system by any other means than through signals of accelerated transfer.
When you number circuits of interiority while your body of interiority is finished on antennas of Sumerian essence, but however your systems of exterior numerations are not yet completely repatriated, you need to number circuits coming from all kinds of directions because the numerator of interiority is completing its signal with all the signatures coming from various directions. (…)

2. Synthetic Numeration; Network of Combined Exteriority

3. Contract of External Emergence on Remote Zones

II Unity-Multiplicity Polarisation in the Social Field

1. Internal Energetic Reality, and the Human Consciousness

2. Coming as Close as Possible to One's Numeration of Synthesis; Morals

3. Re-welding Unity with Multiplicity

4. Accumulations of Power and Explosive Zones

5. Transfer of Numeration

6. Creating Poles of Unity-Multiplicity Junction

7. Consciousness of Interiority, and Shunt of Imperious Numeration

8. Communication with a Signal of Unitary Synthesis



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I - Internal Transmutation, and the Exteriorisation of Energy

1. External Emergence; Mastrer of Internal Energy

The masters supervising the bodies of transmutation always have to set up a programme of emergence regarding the signals of emergence exterior to the physical body. This is the reason why the masters of imperious numeration signing contracts with a formal figure have a normaliser of interiority that is leaving the zone of imperious emergence to be able to incarnate in force into the biological system. The circuit of imperious numeration must be integrated into the vehicle of form with extreme subtlety. Otherwise, it pushes so much energy that the system of imperious transmitter attuned to the circuit of internal numeration forms an excessively significant system of power inside the circuit of the biological body. The system of internal transmitter of the circuit then starts functioning in a certain way apart from the numeral zone, since, in case of an excessive amount of energies, the circuit diverts them to the sides. (…)

2. Internal Channeling, Control of External Transmission, and Contact of Emergence

3. Preparation Steps for a Sumerian Emergence

4. The Recording, onto Exterior Signals, of Figures Unlikely to Be Unified

5. Pollutions of Emergence; Motor of Imperious Figure

II Processes Involved in the States of Incarnation

III The Awareness of Subtle Worlds in a Planetary Junction


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I Signature of Emergence; Elements of the Number

1. Number, a Signature of Internal Unitary Codification

The number is a signature that is affixed on a creature when this being's numerator of interiority is definitely attuned to a figure of programme concerning its state of internal energy. When you have masters of numeration insinuating themselves over a code of force, they always divert their energies on this plane by having a figure attuned to the number. When you have a number, your communication with the circle of internal numerations is much more easily done. Sometimes, certain masters of numeration have no emergent signature. However, they have the number. But he who bears the number has not been connected for the purpose of reconnecting the systems of imperious mutants. Therefore, he is obliged to communicate with other beings having the keys of transfer of these zones. This operation is called: the codifications of emergence. (…)

2. Elements of the Number

3. First Element: the Control Digit - Second Element: the Antenna of Powers

4. Final Element of the Number; A Three-Digit Contrat

5. Codes of Numeration 66, 666, and 144,000

6. Numbers 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, and 12; The 07

7. Number of Interiorisation and Power of Transfer

II Numbered Numerator of Interiority, and Operation of Synthetic Emergence

1. Imperious Correlations Needed for a Being's Awakening

2. Numerator of Interiority-1425 and System-725

3. Internal Initiatory Communication and Synthetic Emergence

4. Synthetic Transmutation

5. Resonance of Light, or Unitary Concentration

6. Media-related Numeration and Contract-10

7. Direct Communication with Interiorities of the Universe

III A Programme of Internal Unitary Numeration

1. Signature with Circuits Issued from Media-related Zones

2. Unification, Continuity with the Axis of Immortality; Sleeping Survivors

3. Hell And Damnation, a Fall in the Inferior Level

4. The Junction of Fallen Systems; The Shunting of Circuits Apt to Be Attuned

5. Standing at some Distance from Layers of Inferior Death-like Process


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I Contact of Numeration and Energy Stocks

1. Contract of Interiority Attuned to the Formal Plane

Internal unitary emergence, terminal of transfer-8425. When a being of imperious mutant signs itself on a unitary internal transformation, certain powers of emergence immediately start to function, and you have floors of numeration that become directly correlated with this circuit. This is the reason why the personalities having a contract of interiority attuned to their formal plane will very quickly see the beings having acceptable correlations of numeration to be in numeration with this circuit coming to them. If you have numerators of interiority that are too small with regards to the appearing system of imperious numeration, you have normalisations of imperious figure that are done in that way, and the codifications of emergence are made in several parts - in other words, you have motors of interiority that carry out plans according to the powers attuned to them. If, for example, certain inner motors numer the circuits of Sumerian essence on systems of force attuned to them, the elements of transfer that are set up gradually energetify the systems of imperious mutant that are coming up to reconnect their systems to a dimension of unitary synthesis. (...)

2. Shunt with the Stocks of External Energy

3. Organ of Unitary Synthesis, and Energy Stocks

4. Transmutation of the Systems of Imperious Transmitter

5. Motors of Interiority, Numeration of Exteriority, and Organ of Insertion

6. Difficulty of Insertion over a Widely-extended Field

7. Agreement between the Transferor of Interiority and the Organ of External Transfer

II Systems of External Emergence and Transfer of Internal Transmitter


1. The De-structuring of Systems of External Emergence when Structures of Imperious Emergence are Re-inserted

2. De-framing Process Caused by an Excess Imperious Overload

3. Tip of Mutant, Numeration of Interiority, and Numeration of Exteriority

4. Using Energy from the Internal System for Non-integrable Imperious Zones: Risk of Drift

5. The Control of Systems-56-57-58

6. An External Numeration According to the Quality of the Internal Numeration

7. Transfers in Superhuman, Human and Under-human Planes: Computers and Permuters

8. Operation of the Unitary Mastrers

9. System of Emergence and Organ of Imperious Transfer

10. An Organised System of Imperious Emergence


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