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Tome IV

Unitary Science
Questions - Answers

Chapter 31: Numeration of Interiority, a Programme of Emergence
Chapter 32: Consciousness and the Systems of Control
Chapter 33: Living Place , Frame of Numeration
Chapter 34:Planetary Transmutation, and Correlations between Worlds
Chapter 35: Sumerian Vessels
Chapter 36: How to Build a Fleet
Chapter 37: Internal Unitary Transfer
Chapter 38: Circles of Emergence
Chapter 39: Consciousness-Power Ratio
Chapter 40: Numeral Correlation of Unitary Synthesis

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Translation Update 10/2003


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I Coding of Internal Energy and Operation of Transmission

1. The Coding: a Signature of Coded Emergence

A frame of control initiates the figures that are inside of it. When it enumerates circuits, it sticks them up to make them enter this system and to put them in an interior code with regard to circuits standing in an exterior zone.
A coding is a signature of coded emergence. Transferors say that the codings of interiority make it possible for certain signatures to be reconnected without having to move signatures of internal transfer, for their signatures of external emergence are already prepared to be reconnected to other signatures under operation. In other words, when an order of numeration has reconnected certain systems, it has gradually normalised them by means of exterior circuits and it has made their circuits of external emergence conform to a system of numeration that will be attuned to this system of external transfer. (…)

2. Body of Form and Body of Subtlety

3. Sumerian Essence of Internal Energy, and Drifting Sumerian Essence; Emergent Code

4. A Synchronised Network of Emergence

5. Resonance with a Dimensions of Synthesis; Robotic Resonance

II Integration of the Systems of Exteriority - Councils of the Order

1. Synchronisation of Emergent forces; Explosive Systems

2. Configuration of a Signal of Numeration of Synthesis; Parallel Transmutations

3. Operations of Synchronisation; Co-ordination, and the Controlling Figure

The Exterior World, the Interior World, and the Organ of Life

5. Councils of the Order

6. Co-ordinators of Emergence

7. Shifting the Substantial Body above the Original Zone of Incarnation

III Signal of Immanent Synthetic Transfer

1. Synthetic Numeration; Junction on Several Planets

2. Resurgence of the Imperious Mutant; Codifications Propped up from Other Worlds

3. How to Complete Your Programme of Emergence; Structural Frames; A Situations of Synthesis

4. Contract of Complete Interiorisation; System of Coded Numeration of Synthesis

5. Disappearance and Reappearance of the Physical Body

6. The Apparition of Vessels; Speed-space-time Ratio, and Consciousness-energy-matter Ratio

7. Signal of Imperious Mutant, Substilisation and Pre-programming

8. Construction of the Organ of Imperious Emergence - Spatial and Timeless Integration

9. Organ of Interiority and Numeration of Synthesis




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I Managing Power and Exteriority in a Numeral Synthesis

1. The Numeration of a Transferor of Interiority - The Risk of Loosing One's Star

When a being of internal numeration has derived its figures of power, and when it can ingest other systems of emergence, it has a transferor of interiority that is gradually being numered on a much more internal and much higher antenna of Sumerian essence. In order to carry out this type of correlation, the motors of imperious figure that keep circuits of force at the inferior level of their systems - as a stock, to some extent, with regard to signatures of numeration usually done -, will start to create Sumerian codifications synchronised with their own signatures, which will drift on in inner transfer into zones where the numerators of interiority yet had no intervention until now.
At this point, the numerator of interiority must carry out extremely precise manoeuvres in order to avoid a change in its situation of internal unity. Indeed, the signatories of inner transfer that reconnect their circuit to a figure will do this only if this figure has been uplifted until a situation where the numerator of interiority can intervene. (…)

2. Elevation as a Counterbalance to Deep Anchoring; Integration into a System of Synthetic Consciousness

3. Co-ordination of Power, and the Building of an individual's Internal Unity

4. Sleep; Connection between the Numerator of Interiority and the Physical Body

5. A Signature of Emergence with no Discontinuity of Consciousness

6. The Importance of Rest for a Centraliser

II Robot-like Controls and Circles of Emergence

1. Buiding an Accurate and Controlling Figure

2. Creation of a Robot-like Equipment System for a Re-centralisation of Emergence

3. Coding and Circles of Emergence

III A Co-ordination Needed for Large Antennas of Transfer

1. Body of Force, Gordages of Emergence, and Vers Systems

2. Signature of Extreme-drawn Power; System of Inserted Numeration




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I Communication with a Heavy System of Power

1. Programme of Mutant, and Zone of Imperious Mutant

The bodies of life living on a plane of form always have a programme of mutant that is brought into them according to the zone of imperious mutant to which they are tied. A system of transmitter-10 supervising a system of power also will reconnect systems of external energy. When a contract of interiority is operating on a synthetic signature, the cords of numeration that insinuate themselves into a system vary according to the imperious codification that is operating in the zone where the body is standing. When synthetic communications are carried out in the plane of Sumerian syntheses, the inquiry has shown that the integrated body of numeration must also be integrated with the system of force in which it is standing. If you have a numerator of interiority enframed on a line of Sumerian essence, the inquiry has shown that the zones of mutants insinuating themselves into this body are issued from zones of form that are also attuned to the body of force linked to this internal body. As a result, part of the vortices of mutants that are carried out - that strive to collect their signatures into the system of synthetic transmitter, according to the figures of numeration -, arrange their signatures according to the motors of emergence that are operating over the force in presence. (…)

2. Contacts of Numeration According to the System of Emergence

3. Metallisation of Synchronised Numeration; Bath-83

4. Living Place and Synthetic Communication

5. Emerging Codifiers - The Reinsertion of Figures in Synthetic Transfer

II Reintegration and code of synthetic interior numeration

1. Intervention in Systems of Sumerian Closure

2. Prophet of the Internal Unity

3. Frame of Numeration



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I System of Interiority with a Double Configuration

1. Intervention of the Sumerian Fleet over a Planet

An energy circle of power can be installed on a whole planet. It all depends on the strength of the numerator of interiority signing this contract. Most masters supervising the worlds cut their energies from over- powerful fields, because they consider that it is always very difficult to make the matters change their normalisation, and that it is better to carry out these manoeuvres on fields of energy that are not excessively exteriorised. However, all worlds are within reach for those standing in the inner ether. They can advance on a whole planet without the latter being even slightly moved; or they can approach it while transmuting the major part of the elements of this world.
When a vessel from the Sumerian fleet signs a contract on a planet, most mastrers signing on this figure at the same time are quite certain that the planet will be changed. When a controller of imperious figure has a transferor likely to normalise all of its signatures, the inner co-ordinator starts vibrating in tune with this planet. You thus have motors of energy that can be signed several times in the same signature with only one body, because this circuit's codifier of interiority is very powerful. (…)

2. A Transmutation in Several Signatures; Synchronised Codification

3. Creating a Numeration of Interiority in the Inside of the System of Numeration of Synthesis

4. Creating a Circuit of Internal numeration within a Circuit of Internal Numeration

5. Numeration of Synthesis, and Numerator of Internal Interiority

6. Transfers, Contracts, and Forceps of Emergence

7. Acceleration of the Cotages of Emergence; Simplification of the Codifications of Numeration

8. Direct Centralisation, or Network of Synthetic Emergence; Numeration of Coded Internal Unity

II Planetary Junction

1. Stabilised and Reinforced System of Numeration; Acting for a Planet

2. A Unitary Configuration for Planetary Junction

3. An Exterior Numeration According to the Beings' Living Place

4. Distorsions in the Zone of Earth, and Junction with the Internal Unity

5. Intervention of this World in other Worlds; a Gradual Re-balancing



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I Intervention of the Sumerian Fleet in the Circuit of Transfer

1. The Sumerian Fleet, and the Monitoring of Space-time Portions

Certain vessels of the Sumerian fleet supervising bodies of form very often must monitor extremely complex space-time portions. The highest part of the bodies is permanently connected to the planes where these vessels of the Sumerian fleet exist. But the densest bodies are attuned to material forms that often integrate them into their own field of energy. As a result, it is not always easy to distinguish them; for the correlations with a plane of form are done starting from dimensions of energy that have characteristics of transfer and that grant each figure with a certain possibility of transmission towards other zones of numeration. For this reason, when we want to integrate figures of emergence coming from these planes of synthesis, we sometimes meet difficulties; for the bodies-9 and 6 working in planes of numeration attuned to vessels of the Sumerian fleet incarnate circuits into signatures that are sometimes difficult to re-integrate. In fact, most codes of numeration using these circuits are recorded on figures that cannot number their system without having been decanted and transformed beforehand according to norms of numeration that are specific to the signal of transfer whose codifications are the directors. (…)

2. Code of Synthetic Numeration Enframed by a Triangular System of Power

3. Co-ordination of Emergence; Derivation; Varior-18

4. The Great Play of the Transfers of Numeration

5. Bodies of Mutants, and Numeral Codification

6. Process of Synthesis; Sumerian Circle of Numeration

II Apparitions of Lights, and Amplification of Time

1. Zones of Internel Numeration and Codifications of Light; Apparitions of Vessels

2. Coffers of Future Essence; Types of Formalisation

3. External Fleets, Life Circumstances, and Life Span

4. Numeration and Resonance in Time

5. Life Span, Internal Numeral Recording, and Unitary Codification

6. Gradual Extension and Unitary Codification

III An Approach of Immortality towards Timelessness

1. Long-lasting Imperious Codification; Coming Closer to a Timeless Dimension

2. Time Amplification in a Condensed Heavy World

3. Amplification of Planetary Emergence; Syster-2-8

4. Emergence of Light, a Quality of Light on Different Planets

5. Inner Light, Unitary Interiorisation Processes, and Co-ordination of Light

6. Numerator of Synthesis, Number, Coding of Numeration and Circle of Transfer

7. Ferseals of Transmitter and Luminous Codifications

8. Fast Interiorisation Process



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I Creating a Duplicate of the Formal System

1. Mastering the Space-time; Co-ordination between Planes; Codings and

At first, we start with duplicating the formal system that is connected to a stellar or planetary matrix. In doing so, you must rebuild the elements attuned to fields of energy. The principle of this figure of emergence is quite complex, because the consecrators of emergence working on inferior planes have difficulties to sign themselves with contracts so very different from what the human beings' life is. The first energy figure is to try and reproduce the duplicate of the signature in presence. At this point, quite a special operation gets started. Space-time must be mastered, distance also. Temporalities are but moments of the thought. So, when you create co-ordinations between planes, you can pass from one ester into another without temporal space in between; it is nearly immediate. The sole difficulty resides in differentiation between those two systems of numeration. In the beginning, there is concentration of energy for the system to be correlated between the circuit of the beginning, the unity of interiority presiding over the operation, and the systems of emergence that are to take place on the outside. (…)

2. Numerology and Galactic Languages; The Re-building of an Organism

3. A-E-É-I-O-OU : Control Over Signatures of Synthetic Emergence by Means of Sound; "Rebis"

4. Miniaturised Cell-like Crystal-Metal Configuration

5. Decoding, and Creation of the First Elements of the Fleet

II The Codings of Control of a Process of Emergence

1. Miniaturisation, Pre-formalisation on a Material Form

2. Hostages of Emergence, and Control of Synchronised Energy

3. Control of Erecting; Zone of the Full Null and Zone of the Empty Null

4. The Power of Numeration on Twelve Planes

5. Control of Synthetic Emergence; Changing the Control of Energy



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I Process of Coded Sumerian Transmission; Man-Woman Transfer

1. Movement Speed; Ensign of Control

A being of internal numeration - having engraved its circuits upon a Sumerian transferisation; having contact with other dimensions of emergence; leaving its plane while building constructions of emergence on several dimensions; and whose contract of interiority is picking up transmissions from several signals -, is a being of transfer that is about to be involved in a process of coded Sumerian transmission. The matter of an inferior body slowly cuts its circuits from its inferior figures. But when you involve your signal into a Sumerian transfer, the inner part of your circuit is increasingly being contacted with the circuits of unitary numeration. As a result, the major part of your signals of energy becomes initiated in a faster and faster way. The highest part moves at the speed of a Sumerian resonance - in other words, almost instantaneously -, while the intermediate parts move their circuits at a speed that is increasingly accelerated. (…)

2. A Configuration of Transfer Re-ordered until the Imperious Plane; Man-Woman Emergence

3. Role of a Man Connected to the Internal Unity

4. Complementarity of Male-Female systems; Power of transfer

5. Man, a Reconnector of Numeration of Synthesis; Energy Sparing

6. Unified Code of Synthetic Numeration, and Controller of Sumerian Interiority

7. Synthetic Correlation of Exterior Systems towards a Numerator of Interiority

8. Unified Organ of Numeration; Elevation by Means of Accumulation of Unified Energy

9. Unified Transfer; Risk of Inversion of Exterior Circuits

II Codification of Synthesis

1. A Signature of Synthetic Emergence between Man and Woman

2. Contracts of Synthesis on Several Dimensions

3. Contract-9 - Pre-synthesis, and Unfastening Process

4. Signature of the Numerator of Interiority, Alone or with Several Attuned bodies

5. Codification of the System of Synthetic Transmitter



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I Transfer of Numeration and Circles of Emergence

1. Southern-Cross - Epsilon 6

The inquiry has been established on the plane of powers (in Fr: puissances). It is now necessary to work on a higher motor since the motors of power under operation now are more significant than they had been for years. If the beings have contracts of emergence plaited on extremely strong zones, the matter of their body would be very much tried if they were standing in zones too close to these energy fields. It then becomes necessary to collect higher figures - a motor of emergence that can be either Southern-Cross, or Sumerian synchronisation. But the contracts must be placed on an orbit of synthetic elevation. To do so, you need to pick up transmissions from these superior planes. The Southern-Cross is the organ of transfer of a very high numeration from the antenna of the gods. When a transferor signs on a contract of emergence, it is always relayed by this dimension. Men living in this zone are very high. They communicate with other figures that also are organised on the same plane of transfer; but they have normalisations that are much more signed on inner antennas. (…)

2. Forceps of Energy and Contract of Synthesis

3. Internal Accelerations, and the Repatriation of Exterior Circuits

II Sumerian Circles

1. A System of Numeration of Synchronisation Energetified by Sumerian Circles

2. The Creation of Sumerian Circles in Layers of Emergence

3. An Active Transmutation of Exteriority; Opars of Numeration

4. A Widely-extended Contract of Transfer

5. Reconnecting the System of Emergence



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I Material Resonators

1. Arrival of a Power in a Circuit of Transmitter

When a power arrives on to a circuit of transmitter, it always has a programme of emergence. It says that it wants to pass through such or such signature, and that otherwise it will not enter. This is always the way systems of power appear. A moment later, they notice that something is already recorded in the zone where they are showing up. Then, they wonder: “Is this signature me or not me?” And later again, they begin to fight. They want to enter without even studying the contracts beforehand. They believe that this is how it must be done. Then, they bring their whole power into it. They leave the zones of inferior transmutation, they enter the signal of transfer. Later on, they start becoming tired. They could not resist the transfer of transmitter that was putting them in order again, and they go by a new signature of energy. They weld their signatures again with less power. They ask questions. They guide their circuits and they ask for passages pretty much for the same reason as those that are already reconnected. Later again, we put them in a zone of internal energy, and they begin to sign their contract at the right communicative. (…)

2. The Making of Imperious Resonators

3. Traditions, and the Materialisation of Signatures of Transfer

4. The Polynesian System, the Japanese System and the Networks of Emergence

II Sumerian Transfer

1. Getting the Transfer of Transmitter Started

2. Contracts of Interiority and Power of Reinsertion

3. Movements of Emergence with Individuals and with Planets

4. Direct Transfer in the Zone of the Synthetic Sumerian

5. Relationship Between Head and Body

6. Programme of Transmitter; Creation of a Master of Imperious Mutant

7. The Contract of Internal Transfer, and the Junction of Imperious Signatures

8. Ber Limit, and the System of Parallel Emergence

9. Motors of Inner Tornado

10. Numeration of Exteriority

11. Synthetic Transmitter and Change of Continuum

III Contract of Interiorisation; Moving the System of Power

1. Biological Vehicle and Immovable P4

2. The Management of Systems of Power beyond the Being's Personal Limit

3. Absolute Accuracy in Exterior Area



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I Contracts of Interiority, and Co-ordination of Insertion

1. Motor of Interiority - The Synchronisation of Motors of Life

The energy gap existing between forces becomes increasingly interior if you bring your substantial bodies together. All motors of life are made of a synchronised matter. If a call of energy takes place between bodies, it is because the motors of transfer wanting to pass through the inside of these vehicles tend to want to bring them closer together. If they do not come closer together, their numeral communication cannot be done with certain dimensions. So, you have motors of energy that are extremely active to bring the vehicles closer to one another, because their communication of synthesis can only be done when these vehicles are combined together. The body, which sufficiently unified beings can build in a certain system of numeration, makes it possible to transfer these signatures with a speed fifty times faster than the speed of an individual, even if there are three or five people together. This is a question of synthetic emergence. (…)

2. Continuity of Communication with the Heaven; the Fallen State

3. The Need for a Complete Signal of Numeration

II Correlation of Unification and Synthetic Unitary Transfer

1. Operativity of a Co-ordinated Unified Group

2. Junction of a Motor of Internal Unitary Transfer

3. Activation of the System of Unitary
Transfer - The Fathers-of-U

4. Risk of Diversion, Selectivity, and Junction with the Internal Unitary Line

5. Control of Exteriority Done by Ber Circuits - Vitalisation of the Biological System

6. Subtilisation Process, and Earth-Heaven Communication

7. Intervention of an Non-formal System in a Formal System - The Importance of the Contract of Interiority

8. Signatories of Interiority and Signatories of Exteriority


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SERIES N°17: EVIL AND PAIN Back to top



1 What Is the Origin of Illness?

2 Is It Possible to Know the Origin of Diseases?

3 What is the Origin of Cancer?

4 How does Extreme Transfer Appear?

5 What is the Remedy for Cancer?

6 What Is to Be Done? And What Advice Should be Given People Suffering Cancer?

7 What Is the Origin of AIDS?

8 How Can We Understand the Phenomenon of AIDS?

A Risk of Disconnection by Contamination while Helping other Beings - AIDS and Human Consciousness - Reinforcing the System of Resistance to a Destructive Power - Consciousness-Energy and Power-Energy Balance of Struggle - Mineral Infiltration of Substantial Bodies By Means of Remedies - The Setting-up of Control Systems - How to Detect Warning Signals of an Infiltration - Emergence and Control of the Powers in the Course of their Evolution.


1 How Is It Best to Process a Body after Death? Is It to Be Buried? Is It to Be Burnt? Or Is there a Better Way?
Gradual Transformation of the Physical Body - Violent Disappearance; Cremation or Burial; the Ghosts - Transformation of the Codes of Power during Physical Life; Direct Contract of Insertion of Light.

2 Must we Bury the Body or Burn it?
Organ of Change of Insertion; the Possibility of Transubstantiation - Demarcation, and Extreme-supreme Transmitting Codification - The Cord of Light - Relaying-links until One's Inferior Powers - Condition of Light Around a Body; Twists of Energy in Zones of Power - To Return to the Heaven, Deal with Those who Are in Heaven.

3 Which Is Best: to Bury the Physical Body or to Burn it? What Is the Best Means to Process the Physical Body in the Moment of Death?

4 What About Incineration of a Body after Death?

. Reincarnation into Under-human Levels of Consciousness

5 Can Human Beings have Incarnations as Animals According to the Theory of Metempsychosis?
Imperious Codification Carried out in Under-human Worlds - Internal-External Resonance; Consciousness of the Extreme Systems - Remoteness of Extreme Figures and Difficulties of Reinsertion - Divided X13 Systems, and the Descent into Zones of Infra-consciousness - Re-concentration of Parts of Consciousness Diffused over Animals or Plants - Consciousness of the Internal Unity; Shift to an Immortal State of Consciousness - To Be Reinserted on a Dimension of Synthesis, or to Let oneself Be Dissolved in Exteriorisation or Inferiorisation Processes - A Double Stream between the Creator and the Creation through the Creature.

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