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Tome III

Unitary Science
Questions - Answers

Translation Update 10/2000

Chapter 21: Body of Mutant
Chapter 22: System of Unitary Emergence
Chapter 23: Terminal Signal
Chapter 24: Formal Plane, Parallel Planes
Chapter 25: Contract of Emergence, and Inification Process
Chapter 26: The Living, the Sleepers, the Mortals, and the Dead
Chapter 27: The Contract of Interiority
Chapter 28:
Numeral Correlation of Unitary Emergence
Chapter 29:
Transfer Onto a Dimensions of Synthesis
Chapter 30:
Systems of Mutants

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General Contents

Chapter 21 : BODY OF MUTANT

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I The Figure of Ultimate Consecration

1. Consecrator of Emergence; Lormalisation

He who sends information to circuits of imperious emergence, and who has a transfer of energy, slaughter-7, on the antenna of imperious powers, is the consecrator of emergence of all the beings of the Sumerian consciousness. The consecrator of a figure of this type is very widely extended. He starts consecrations on all kinds of dimensions. He can synchronise thousands and thousands of beings. The energetic enmer of this circuit stands on four, five or ten thousands planets, it all depends on the operations organised. The attempts of numeration on a particular world are made from the bodies incarnate on this world.
When you shunt a figure of ultimate consecration of the aforementioned kind, you firstly normalise a system of emergence by means of these powers of control. If this being has successfully managed to sufficiently control its system of external emergence, its inner being is codified. It is reconnected to an another form of control - a control of internal energy of course. (…)

2. Control of Interiority and Lormalised Body

3. Control over Inferior Figures; A Minuted System

II Transformations Around a Signal of Emergence

1. Unfastenings of Emergence

2. B
ody of Mutant of Interiority, and Bodyguard

3. Unitary Reintegration and Synthetic Normalisation

4. Diversion to Exterior Zones; Strengthening the Inner Normaliser

5. Fathers-of-U
and Mertil-3

III Physical Body and Energy Body

1. Physical Body and Sumerian Matrix

2. The Earth's Soul, the Organ of Life, and Planetary Mutation

3. The Inner matter; Rose of Imperious Mutant; Gates of Emergence

4. Creation of the Body of Energy

5. System of Mutants; Journeying Out of the Biological Body

IV Unity of Transfer and System of Mutants

1. Integrating Two Mutants into a Body of Synthesis

2 . Transferor of Integral Numeration

3. Emergences on a Figure of Bipolarity of Mutants

4. The Emergence of a System of Numeration; Continuity of Numeral Correlation

5. A Sworn-in Sumerian Integrator of Synthetic Numeration

V Subtle Brothers and Sisters

1. Rose of Energy, and Synchronised Numeration

2. Brother of the Synthetic Unity

3. Imperious Mutant and Synthetic Mutant

4. Enframing of Synthesis of Emergence; Inmergent System

5 . Body of Subtlety; Training of Inner Emergence



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I Transfers of Emergence and Circles of Numeration

1. Multiplication of a Signal of Internal Numeration; Normalisation of Power

Only from the moment a numeration of interiority has risen sufficiently high and has been followed with signals coming out of material hookings or space burstings to become unified in a time zone and to stabilise at every level from spirit down to matter; only at that moment can the signal of internal numeration start another operation. This operation will unfold around its beam of power in the sense of a de-multiplication of its numeration through emergent productions and in the form of recordings and publications. The latter will unfold in a C6 field with wide extension; and they will trigger figures upon more exterior numerations with regard to the figure of the beginning.
This operation requires another type of treatment, a different type of management. It will often be triggered off as a factor of extension by elements that were transporting this potential of expansion in their own figure, and that had been re-centralised when the system of emergence was very much limited. (…)

2. Inner Correlation of the System of Centralisation of Numeration

Circles-55, 56, 57

4. Transformation of the Field-57 in Relation to the C6

5. Creation of the 04

6. Creation of the Frame-18 Around the 04

7. B6, C6, C4, C18, and the Appearance of Lights

8. The Subtilisation of Material Fields; Umitary Emergence

9. Polarisation between a Sumerian Patrix-like Unitary Circuit and a Matrix-like Umitary Circuit of Formalisation

II Agreement with Non-human Realms

1. Transformation of Light, and Roses of Numeration

2. An Organ of Interiority Unified to Universal Resonance

3. Movements of Animal Figures - Beached Whales

5. Jonas and the Whale; Speaking with Animals, Vegetables and Minerals

6. Platification
of the System of Emergence; Matter of Imperious Figure

III The Plane of Death

1. Mortality and the Motors of Interiority; Transmutation in the Moment of Death

2. Sacrifices of Life; the Trap of Death

3. Vegetarianism to Move out of Slaughter Zones

4. Transfer of Numeration : Pain, Pleasure, Loving, Consciousness

5. Control by Metralian, Metallian and Mecanian Circuits



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I Terminal of Numeration and Antenna of Interiority

1. Vessels of Synthetic Numeration

A sketching of emergence enframes the circuits that unfold in the plane of form. This tracing has always been controlled by vessels of synthetic numeration. There are seven of these vessels, partly coded on the plane of form and partly coded on the plane of the syntheses. When you have a vessel of the internal initiatory fleet that is insinuating itself into a code of power, there always are other vessels behind, supervising communication with this system of power; for the co-ordinators of inmerious figure coming down into the systems of form have codes of numeration engraved by forces of light. The code of numeration of this type of figure has not the total precision that the controls of unitary insertion have in internal numeral circles. The internel communication is a signature very difficult to reach for a mortal, as the latter must turn his or her figures into three parts: a part directed towards the plane of forms to control signatures of emergence; a part directed towards the lords of external energy; and another part reconnected to the systems of internal unitary numeration that assemble figures and make them suitable for incarnation, or even for integration into the system of Sumerian essence. (…)

2. Synchroniser of Emergence, and Network from Same to Same - Emergent

3. The Incarnation of a System of Sumerian Essence; The Mission of Incarnation

4. Programme Numeral-1, and the Code of Numeration

5. Repatriating the Mothers into the System of Emergence; Motor-18

6. Exactness; Creation of the Terminal

7. Conforming Oneself to the Configuration of the Numerator of Interiority

8. Committing the Totality of One's Figure

II Conditions for Contact of Light

1. Vessels of Light and Space-time Portions

2. Conditions and Favourable Places for Transfer

3. Alleviation of the Motor of Imperious Figure

4. Organ of Normalisation in Gradual Transfer

5. Materialisation of Attuned Figures



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I Dreams

1. Dreaming, a Resonance with Parallel Planes

Dreaming is an element that is present in your existence and is continuously being signed in your life. And yet, dreaming is not communication with a plane of Sumerian essence; it is resonance with other signals of emergence carried out in planes parallel with your existence. The consciousness of interiority, always present in a body, records transmissions coming from other worlds. As they are organised to uplift you, those bodies of numeration exterior to your life on this plane involve dorsal of life into circuits that are not initiated by the formal plane. The bodies of emergence signing in these zones are bodies of emergence that are traced, but attuned to codes exterior to formal life. (…)

2. Precognitive Dreams and Formal Existence

3. Circulation of Internal Energy, and the Release of Energy Blocks

II Planets, Constellations, Galaxies and the Contract of Interiority

1. Numeral Correlation between Planets; Planet Tiria

2. Various Types of Planets

3. Constellations, Galaxies, Black Holes

4. Organ of Life, Body of Life, and Roses of Light

5. Formation Ber-85; Standing Stones (Menhirs) and Stone Tables (Dolmens)

6. Control over the Dispersion of Systems of Power; Ascensional Bodies

III Nuclear Explosions, Disasters, Diseases

1. Risk of Burst for a Planet in Atomic Figure

2. Motions of Transmitter; Earthquakes

3. Slowed-down Transmutations and Breaks of Continuity: Pain and Disease

4. The Emergence of Power through the Physical Body

5. Healing by Means of a Change in the Human Psyche; the Healers' Power

6. The System of Power of Bare-handed Healers

IV Transfer of Energy and Configuration of Synthesis

1. Junction of Power to an Attuned Field of Light

2. Elimination of Systems of Slaughter; Control over Non-integrable Powers

3. Intrication of Substantial, Mecanian or Metallian Systems

4. Miltar
Vessels and Nuterra-85 - Synthetic Transmitter

5. Hostages of numeration

6. The Exteriorisation of Hostages and the Programme of Synthesis

7. Apparitions of Light and Purity of Internal Energy

8. External Global Costs of Transmitter; Stopped Transfers

9. The Release of too Heavy Circuits; Codings of Synthetic Numeration



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I Networks of Emergence

1. Emergent Matter and Mecanian Co-ordination

In a sketching of light, you need to endow your circuit with several directional figures - in other words, you need to give each signal arriving in a field of light the forces of numeration matching its internal energy. When a transfer of imperious figure is done inside a system of synthetic numeration, the elements of contact that you have in the inside of this circuit allow you to move a few figures from this system of power. The emergent matter is always very hard to move, for the contract of interiority will not set itself in agreement with this figure without the carrying out of a transformation of the circles of numeration concerning this figure. Motors of interiority, in general, have a part of their circuits of numeration that has been executed on a plane exterior to the signature of Sumerian essence. The signature of internal emergence therefore must repair disjunctions existing between these systems of power and the systems of external numeration also signing contracts with the numerator of inferiority.

2. External Normalisation; Synthetic Numeration of Exteriority; Imperious

3. Balance between Contracts of Imperious Figure and Controller of Emergence

4. Full Emerging Coding; Numeralisation

5. External Network of Emergence; Signatory of Imperious Mutants and
of Internal Numeration

6. Contract of Synthetic Emergence

II Signing a Contract over a Network of Emergence

1. External Numeration on Emergent Sectors

2. Control of Emergence by the Signatory of Internal Numeration

3. Forces of Multiplication of the System of Power

4. Junction of the Doors of Force to the System of Numeration of Synthesis

5. Consecrator of Imperious Emergence

III Consecration of Numeration and Organ of Transfer

1. The Correction of Figures Inside the System of Numeration of Synthesis

2. Organisation of the Mutant of Imperious Figure - Control of Interiority

3. Programming of Energy, and Code of Inification

4. Building a New System of Internal Numeration

5. Beings of Ether and Beings of Form

6. Contract of Emergence of a Planet; Body of Emergence; Sumerian Forces

7. Coffer-Systems of Emergence; Organs of Emergence; Subtle

IV Interdimensional Transfers

1. Adaptation of the Controls of Interiority, and Acceleration of the Organ of Interiority

2. Manoeuvres of Synchronised Numeration; the Organ of Interiority

3. The Repatriation of External Figures through Vortices of Emergence;
Unitary Junction



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I Forces of Death, Recasting System

1. The Cord of Inner Numeration Polarised between the Internal Unity and the Formal Circuit

When you resonate with a body of Sumerian force, the mutants of interiority insinuating themselves into this system are gradually moving into a figure which is increasingly consecrated to the internal unity. All of the bodies of emergence that weld to this system then are picked up by the formal body; but they bend their circuits to be able to adapt to this new configuration. The inner code of the system being modified, the formal body is no longer grabbed by the same signatures of force, for the following reason: the correlation with the system of synthesis being increased, the co-ordinator of inferior father-of-U and certain torsions of exteriority, along with certain systems of permanent mutants connected to formal powers, all those circuits are becoming interior with regard to a signal that was previously existing when the body was not in direct numeral connection.

2. Systems of Mutants and Forces of Death

3. Demarcation out of Inferior Zones, or Drift into the Zones of Death

4. Recasting: Purification through Compression

5. Planetary Weight, Magma and Volcanoes; the Prodigal Child's Journey

II Reinsertion, and Plane of Unification

1. Loads of Numeration According to the Place of Life

2. Imbalance of Power; Systems of Inversion

3. The Sleepers, the Mortals and the Dead; Working while It Is Day

4. The Chaff and the Wheat; Victorious Mortal

5. Protecting One's System of Emergence from the Signatures of Death

6. Imperious Cobification; Elerging



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I Contract of Transfer of Emergence in a Zone of Light

1. Control of Interiority; System of Imperversion; Controller of Insertion

A transferor of imperious figure, having reconnected its circuits upon an antenna of interiority, has renewed its alliance with this system. Because of this fact, its imperious organisation is being changed; for when space-time portions are covered by non-unified circuits, the codifications of emergence of all these systems deteriorate. The organ of imperious figure then is in a situation of non-existent effervescence. The contracts of interiorisation are almost reduced to nought. The control of interiority is a system that will make it possible to number all of the systems of mutants clinging to these systems of power. So, you have systems of imperversion that sign contracts of Sumerian numeration. Imperversion means the opposite of perversion. It is a signature of emergence that is being erected up to a signal of internal numeration, and that no longer avails itself of its signals of dispersion that are grades exterior to a signature of Sumerian essence. (…)

1. Circuits of Exterior Dardanels; Agreement with Metallian Circuits

2. Contract of Interiority; Motors of Emergence and Motors of Life

3. Contract of Transfer; Councils of Light

4. The Reinsertion of Inferior Bodies into a Sumerian Zone; Emergent Codes

5. Exteriorisation of Non-integrable Circuits of Emergence; Pits of Light

6. Co-ordination of Transfers

7. Internal Subtilisation; Exteriorisation into a Field of Power; Cotages of Energy

II Sumerian Communication and the Appearance of Lights

1. The Repatriation of Systems of Extreme Emergence; Figures of Numeration likely to be integrated

2. Spiral of Numeration; Motor of the Fathers-of-U - Codes of Numeration

3. Emergent Organ Attuned to the Five Senses; From an Exteroceptive Zone to an Interoceptive Zone

4. Communication towards Ultimity

5. Levels of Normalisation: Internal Unity, Intermediary Zone, or Figure of Power

6. Transferring the Circuits of Force by Exterior Means

7. Apparitions of Lights

8. Transfer of Energy from an External Zone to an Internal Zone

9. Contract of Insertion of Light; Vessel-1425

10. Consciousness of the Signal of Numeration of Synthesis

III Imperious Numeration and Synthetic Emergence

1. The Matter, a State of Energy - Intervention of the Verifiers

2. How to Pre-organise Systems of Power

3. Preliminary Transformation Before Approaching a System of Unification

4. Control of Synthetic Emergence; Motion of Emergence



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I Code of Emergence and Contract of Interiority

1. Sites of Emergence to Prepare and Channel the Energies

A system coded by the circuits of Sumerian synthesis can move a large number of figures. But, in the plane of forms, the code of emergence is very difficult to set up because inferior bodies are extremely heavy. As the matter of this world is not connected to a sufficient number of systems of emergence, the code of emergence of this world is rather condensed. The motors of imperious figure must be enframed in several small parts, if they must be integrated in a body of numeration or in a body of form such as yours. The R4, the er-8, the sites-9, the circuits of emergence, the sites are circles of mutants that are being initiated to signatures of power - in other words, they are zones where the circuits of emergence are preparing to carry out their emergence.

2. Balancing External Emergences with regard to Circuits of Interiorisation

3. The Scattering of Systems of Emergence in Zones of Power

4. Creating a Zone of Emergence; Pre-canalisation, Reintegration, or Drifting process

5. Internal Numeral Integration, and the Division of the System of Emergence

6. Repatriating the System of Exteriority into the Axis of the Internal Unitary Signal

7. Transmutation of Energy towards Consciousness for a Synthetic Transfer

8. Functionality of Sites of Transfer; Pre-programming

9. The Building of a Body of Interiority; Transfer of Figures at long Distance

10. Contract of Interiority; Omer; Transmitting Fanfares

11. Correlation of emergence over Widely-extended Fields; Creation of a Resonator of Emergence

II Systems of Emergence

1. Balancing the Force and the Energy; Normalisation

2. Multipolar Signature; Controller of Synchronised Emergence

3. Robot Systems and Gradual Emergent Networks

4. Creation of the Numeral Correlation; Transfer of Immersion in System of Force

III Programme of Synthetic Numeration, and External Drift

1. Organ of Internal Numeration, Reinsertion or Drift

2. Internal Numeral Correlation of Two Internal and External Mutants

3. External Drift, and the Cessation of Signatures of Emergence on the Unitary Antenna

4. Signature of Final Disconnexion; Possibility of Return

5. Synthetic Numeration; the Reintegration of Systems of Exteriority

6. Access to Systems of Decanting Sites



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I Configuration of Reinsertion, and Numeration of Sumerian Synthesis

1. Eternel figure and Transmitting Vortices

Integrated message. The eternel at work upon zones of light, engraving the signatures on several dimensions, has always executed plans according to the signatures of transfer that were carried out on another dimension. For the eternel is an emergent figure that picks up transmissions from several worlds, and that drifts according to the figures fastened on its circuit. It is a signature that attunes to the zones of emergence that seem to be apt to be integrated into its signal. The vortices of transmitter signing around the eternel are of diverse types. Most masters supervising this kind of transmission have a programme of interiorisation that varies according to the motors of transfer in presence. If you have extremely populated worlds - many people, and many transfers -, the organ of interiority of these worlds can be easily picked up. The motors of interiority sign directly with the signal of the internal unity, and the cordages of numeration are done easily. That is why the beings living in this kind of planes have numerations rising extremely quickly; and their inner configuration is attuned to the unity of interiority almost on every floor. (…)

2. Emergence, and the Configuration of Synthesis

3. Incomplete Synthetic Transfer

4. Configuration of Reinsertion

5. External Numerator, Numerator of Interiority, and Signal of Synthesis

6. Hostages of Numeration and External Controls

7. Synthesis of Light, Beam of Transfer, and Co-ordination of Emergence

II Complete Body of Emergence and Circle of Light

1. Unitary Signature of a Body of Emergence; the Gathering of a Complete Signature

2. Professional Figure, and Prophetitional Stabilisation

3. Cauterising the Inferior Violences, and Transforming the Imperious Mutant


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I The Body of Mutant

1. Integration of a Body of Mutant into a Physical Body

Certain forms of mutants insinuating themselves into the bodies of form advance with much subtlety; for the physical bodies must be able to record these new energies occupying their signatures. When a body of mutant comes into a physical body, the motors of imperious figure signing contracts with this physical body are awakened. The motors of interiority of a physical vehicle instilled with a body of mutant are like a system of emergence moving in the inside of the body. Sometimes, you transmute with your feet, with your genitals, with your heart, with your head. You have numerators of imperious figure insinuating themselves into all of these zones. According to the motors of emergence that you are using to transfer your figures from a system into another, you have motors of interiority flanked with figures of mutants of other kinds of energies. So, you have a certain number of figures of emergence that can be integrated into your physical body. (…)

1. Internal and External Emergent Powers; Movements of the Motors of Imperious Figure

2. The Cost of Incarnation of a System of Synthetic Numeration

3. Re-centralising the Imperious Systems on Robot-like Signatures and Organising the Transmissions

4. Co-ordination of Remote Emergence; Uprisings of Mecanian Synchronisation

5. Demarcated and Stabilised Robotic Controls of Emergence

II Recentralisation of Emergence

1. Chart of the Contracts of Emergence; Organ of Imperious Figure

2. The Flow of Transmission and of Reinsertion in a Formal System

3. Information of Consciousness for the Repatriation of External Figures


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1 What Is Specifically to be achieved in a Being's Lifetime ?
Orientation towards a dimension of synthetic unification - Enframing of transfert - Capacity of dematerialisation of the physical body - Reorientation to pass through the narrow door.

2 Is it better to live a prudent, extremely limited life, or a more adventurous life acting in more extended areas ?

3 What is most important to do in one's incarnation ?
Restoring contact with the internal unitary numeration - The intervention of superior dimensions - Prayer: active participation in one's liberation, or charity system? Mastery over exteriorising and inferiorising processes - Staying connected to one's programme of unitary numeration.

4 Is choosing celibacy an improvement in the individual's evolution ?

5 Can celibacy make us more available to humankind?

6 Is marriage, as an institution between two being, a natural concept or has it been created by the human being ?

7 What would occur if marriage were suppressed ?

8 Is marriage really indissoluble ?

9 Which is the most natural mode of relation between humans : monogamy or polygamy?

10 Does the equal repartition of man and woman in the population mean that their relationship and union must be done in the same proportion ?

11 Is it natural to experience the instinct of self-preservation?

12 Why does the instinct of self-preservation exist ?


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