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Tome II

Unitary Science
Questions - Answers

 Translation update 10/2003

Chapter 11: Transubstantiation and Circles of Numeration
Chapter 12: The Control of Power
Chapter 13: How To Prepare Your Immortality
Chapter 14: Elevation and Unitary Transmutation
Chapter 15: The Creation of a Crystal of Internal Numeration
Chapter 16: A Process of Unitary Synthetic Numeration
Chapter 17: Networks of Emergence
Chapter 18: The Organ of Numeration of Man and Woman
Chapter 19: Transfer and Substilisation
Chapter 20: The Incarnation of a System of Internal Transmitter

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I Contract of Synthetic Numeration

1. Direct Inner Perception, or Exterior Influences

When we unify our systems of internal numeration, the being's cord of life shifts to another level. For example, in the moment we are transmitting a message, if the body of mutant that is inside the being receiving it had not a direct transferor with the signature of numeration, we would need to consider changing this circuit's internal numeration so that co-ordinations could be established. In fact, most bodies assembled on this planet lack a sufficiently strong transfer of emergence to rejoin a synthetic numeral communication; and codings are done through systems of emergence that are set up outside the biological bodies. Most individuals, on this plane, are influenced by energy systems that do not directly come into contact with their vehicles, but that are energetic influences using exterior facts to act upon the direction of their vehicles. This situation produces lifestyles that are quite subject to external fluctuations. Co-ordinations are not correctly carried out when systems are extremely dependent on those external influences. Besides, this is one of the signatures that the most presented problems to the numerator of interiority, because quite the opposite situation occurs in dimensions of synthesis where all the elements are co-ordinated with one another from a direct and continuous inner perception of what the internal unitary communication is. (…)

2. Numeral Correlation, and the System of Synthesis

3. Welding of Emergence, and Circle of Numeration

4. Levels of Mecanian and Metallian of Numeration

II Systems 56-57-58

1. Systems-5, 6 and 56

2. Systems-8 and 58, Zone-7, and System-57

3. Numeral Transferisation-56, 57, 58

4. Numeral Correlation 56-57-58

5. Tension of the Network of Unitary Numeration

6. Frames of Numeration and Zone-57

7. System-58: Emergence out of Infinity

8. Energetic
Internal Rhythms

9. Relaying-links of Transmitting Transfer

10. A Signature of Energetic Environment-56-57-58

11. System of Internel Numeral Reinsertion, and Externel Intermediary Zone

III Transubstantiation and the Prophetic Vision

1. Relations between Yin and Yang Systems

2. The Conquest of Immortality; Systems of Transfer of a Numeral-1 Type

3. Space-time Material Synthesis

4. Diffraction of the Principle into the Laws and the Facts

5. Dilution in Time, Spreading-out in Space, and Absorption into Matter

6. Conscious Management of the Vision of Timeless Unitary Synthetic Numeration

7. Organising One's Formal Existence According to One's Vision of the Principle

8. The Body of Imperious Normalisation, and the Body of Inner Transmitter



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I Exteriorisation, and the Hookings of Power

1. Exteriorisation, Disconnection, and Co-ordination of Synthetic Numeration

When floors of numeration, counselling a Sumerian order that is advancing in a formal world and arreasoning a few bodies from that world, insert their signatures into a system of Sumerian numeration; guilty of external transmission - in other words, when a body of emergence has a signal of subtle ether too closely attuned to zones of exteriority, its internal sensitiser does not sign itself correctly -, then the floors of Sumerian transfer burden this circuit with a very significant load of lorse vessel-1425.
If the council-6, having the dutiful figure of tracing this being's signal throughout its journey of emergence, helps it and allows it to transmute these lorses; if the interior eternel systems connected to the interior system of numeration - X13-25 for example - help a being in this situation of hooking on lorses, then, you will see transmutations being carried out. But the motor of emergence of these beings therefore is subject to assistance that must come from the outside. (…)

2. Disconnection, and the Slowing-down of Contracts of Emergence

II Confrontations of Powers, and Transmutation Process

1. Gates of Power; Confrontations and Wars

2. Pacifying the Confrontations by means of Extreme-supreme Communication

3. Communication of Synthesis Towards the Ultimate Father

4. The Organ of Life of a Unified Field

III The Integration of Hard-Pressing Exterior Systems in an Antenna of Numeration

1. The Arrival of Exterior Signatures; Protection of the System of Sumerian Emergence

2. Reversed Contracts of Interiority; Signature of Synthesis on Several Dimensions

3. Normalisation of a System of Emergence; the Setting-up of controls

4. Energy Thrusts, Compression, and Stowing Process

5. Controlling the Integration into an Antenna of Internal Numeration

6. Normalisation of the Systems of Exteriority; Management of the Networks of Emergence

7. Messengers of the Future Figure; The Co-ordination of Lorses

8. Southern-Cross: Analysis of a System Under Operation

9. The Complexity of Operations in the Universe



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I Contract of immortality

1. Interdimensional Vision of the Immortal Being

The human beings' consciousness is extremely separated and cannot perceive the interdimensional origin of a given cataclysm, earthquake or energetic transmission occurring in a specific zone. In fact, it is not happening by accident or mere chance; it is an interdimensional resonance between several elements that work both in this world and in other dimensions. Contracts of numeration say that those having the inner resonance can re-insert their figure into a system that will give them a vision of the reality of interactions occurring between signatures. At this point, exercises of a more immortal existence begin. In fact, the immortal being participates in the whole correlation between the diverse figures appearing at a given moment in a dimension. The contract of imperious figure then is a means to re-insert a signature into a field of energy enabling it to recover an energetic, but also conscious, continuity. (…)

2. System of Transmitter of the Southern-King

3. The Importance of Co-ordination and Agreement between Beings

4. The Danger of Exterior Drift

II Creation of the Vehicle of Immortality

1. Resonance with a Controller of the Unity

2. Roses of Emergence and Subtle Moons

3. Normalisation and Formalisation

4. Thansmutation of the Energies of Power; Paroxysms

5. Connecting the Normaliser to the Numerator of Interiority

6. Existence in a Subliming Context; the Body of Mutant

7. Co-ordinated Numerators; North-South System

8. A Numbered System of Interiority

9. Allotted Time for Fulfilment of the Programme of Numeration

10. Contract of Interiority

10. Preparing One's Immortality

III Systems of Control

1. Controlling Figure

2. A Four-floored Operation of Elevation

3. Transformation of the System of Exteriority; Robotic Correlation

4. Signature of Braking from Below; the Internal Unity's Control

5. The Incarnation of a System of Numeration of Synthesis



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I The Process of Junction with the Signal of Sumerian Essence

1. The Removal or Transformation of Non-integrable Signatures

A sketching of emergence can integrate a large number of figures, but most signatures are X13 - in other words, they are unsuitable for utilisation by a system of numeration incarnate in a plane of synthesis. Cords of numeration therefore must unceasingly move these circuits towards zones that have no possible transferisation process with the system of numeration without a few transformations to be done in their system of transmitter. Most masters of slaughter-84, for example, having been attuned to extremely violent signatures, are not suitable for integration into the gentle figures of the internel unity. That is why the starters of figures, those who transmute signatures from one system into another, often are the seat of a very significant pressure of energy because the inner masters of these circuits are interior elements capable of transmuting systems that come from below or from the outside. When you normalise systems of inner transmitter, there is no difficulty. Your inner transmitter welds itself and your codifier of numeration simply puts incoming signatures in order. But if a controller of exteriority enters in resonance with your circuit and its principle of immersion is very significant with regards to the signature of emergence that you have, then certain contracts of normalisation cannot possibly be carried out. (…)

2. Problems of Investiture; A Control from Superior Dimensions

3. Active Prayer

4. The Advantage of a Group as a System of Synthetic Unification

II A Programme of Emergence

1. Circles of Power

2. Jeremi

3. The Distribution of Power Fields

4. Violent Transformation of the Contract of Emergence

5. Energy Block, and Active Participation in the Transfer

6. The Interdimensional Causes of Physical Deformities

7. The Transformation of Several Beings in Resonance

8. The Disconnection of the System of Form

9. Worlds of matter, Space, Time, and timelessness; The Rhythms of Evolution

III Full Resonance; the Unitary Mutant

1. Mastering One's Exteriorisations; The Masters of Inner Numeration

2. Mutant of Inferior or Exterior Building; The Transfer of Imperious Figure

3. Figures; The Signing of a Contract

4. A Conjunction between Superior and Inferior Mutants

5. A Resonator of the Unitary Mutant

6. Time Mutant, Space Mutant


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I The Incarnation of a Unitary System

1. A Programme of Sumerian Synchronisation

The incarnation of a unitary system is extremely costly for the Sumerian synthesis. When a control of Sumerian energy moves onto a plane of form, the transmitter of interiority insinuating itself into this plane of form always has a specific control of interiority for this kind of figure. The masters of numeration reverting themselves with this polarity incarnate a system of synthetic numeration caterised by other figures of emergence. Therefore, the framework of this circuit is preceded with another operation. The codings of imperious numeration insinuating themselves into circuits of internal numeration in order to carry out this Sumerian correlation always have a numeral codification issued from a long period of time. That is why we can say that contracts of imperious numeration have been anticipated a very long time before a system of normalisation can be recovered on the plane of form. The councils of the interiority signing contracts of Sumerian synthesis grant this circuit with a special figure of Sumerian numeration. (…)

2. Initiatory External Mecanian Correlation

3. Energetic
Ampere; the Enmer

4. The Consecration of a System of Sumerian Transfer

5. Predominance of the System of Synthesis over the Body of Form

6. Signals of Emergence

7. Synthetic, internal and External Numerations

8. Inquiry; A Minuted System

II The Dispersion and Re-integration of Exteriorised Circuits

1. Exteriorisation, and the Control of Interiority

2. Sumerian Co-ordinations

3. Figures of Dispersion; Exteriorisations, Tensions and Losses of Metallisation

4. Difficult Control in Dispersing Zone

5. Thrust of Power, and Exterior Diversion

6. Unification of the Figures of Numeration Suter-18

7. Codificator-925 and System-625; A Narrow door, from Eternel into Internel Systems; Sorkan-35

III Exterior Fields of Brilliance, and Crystal of Internal Numeration

1. Mutant of Interiority; Diversion of Part of the Powers

2. Pyramidal Mastery over a Signal of Emergence

3. Internal Crystal; Field of Brilliance

4. Crystallisation: Unification Until in the Matter

5. Internel
, Eternel and Seternel Zones in a Crystal of Numeration

6. Creation of the Second Crystal


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I Space-time-timelessness Synchronised Numeral Correlation

1. The Repairing of Disjunctions in a Body of Numeration

To repair disjunctions in a body of numeration, there exist several means. In order to break a signature of exteriority, the phenomenological figure has not many possible means at its disposal. On the other hand, codes of synchronised numeration certainly have some. In the consciousness of synthetic numerations, the resonance of numeration becomes incarnate in the circuits. The condition for their consecration is, that the numerator of interiority may want to meet this system of transmitter. The code of numeration reverts itself without simultaneity - the one standing behind the circuit, the one standing before the circuit. The imperious code of numeration in fact stands in the middle of a circle of numeration.
As a result, the organ of numeration of a system of emergence can change its circuits, in an interior way, when the consecrator of interiority is engraved between the system of Sumerian essence and the system of power. (…)

2. Collecting a Space-time Portion; Transfers of Synthetic Numeration

3. Creation of a Synthetic Configuration; Contract X13

4. Sumerian Elergy

II Process of Emergence, and Sumerian Synthetic Numeration

1. Direct Sumerian Codification

2. Co-ordination of Sumerian Synchronisation, and Sumerian Resonances

3. Mortalisation, Smorticus, and Mortal-18; A Cyclology of Emergence

4. Synthetic configuration; Direct Transfer

5. A Programme of Synchronised Numeration of a Synthetic Normalised Type



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I The Control of Systems of Interiority over Circuits of Emergence

1. Limiting the Contracts of Emergence; Code of Interiority

The strength of a system under operation depends on its emergent circles. When you have a signature of internal energy that is receiving transmissions from other zones and is scattering its figures away until it can extract, from those signatures, exactly that which is of its own concern, then the imperious code - heavy with its own loads that are directly attuned to the form -, demands that the transfers of emergence be limited. For otherwise, the supplies of inferior emergence are excessively large, and the code of interiority moves towards very inferior zones. The code of interiority is a system that connects to the numerator of interiority. But it has a process of numeration presided by an interior contact with the circle of forces. The eternel code - inferior eternel for example - has contracts of emergence allowing to number the systems that are coming up. (…)

2. Councils of the Order of Force; Terminal of light

3. Bodies of mutants; the Past and the Future

4. Code of Synthetic Emergence; Extreme Contracts

5. Load of Emergence, Compression and Headache

6. Layers of Control; Figures of Repulsion

II Numeration of Remanence

1. Junction of Synthetic Numeration; Organ of Interiority

2. Diversion of the Co-ordinator of Interiority

III Networks of Emergence

1. Thrust of Emergence, and the Distribution of Energy

2. Codification of Sumerian Synthesis; Chains of Numeration

3. A System of Synthetic Emergence in Gradual Sumerian Transfer; System-6

4. Energy Gaps; Intergalactic Co-ordinator

5. Emergence of the System of Internal Numeration; Numeral Encounter

6. Metralisation
: Mastery over Exterior Circuits

7. Imperious Re-centralisation; Extension of the System-6

8. Systems C6 and B6; A Chain of Beings in Individual Timeless Correlation


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I Sumerian Correlation

1. The Return of the Eternel System Inwards

A quarter part of the eternel life can be delegated on interior zones. In vessel, one says that this opportunity of return of the eternel system inwards is an opportunity of transfer of a part of one's system to direct one's circuits into a more inner and higher configuration. So, it is a force of emergence standing inside the eternel system; and it can weld its figures in a kind of incarnate resurrection, and then transfer on a Sumerian signature. But the motors of emergence of the eternel system have cords of numeration that make it possible to re-senter a few figures of its system. When you watch over a body of the eternel system more particularly designed under the feminine form, the body of interior mutant is always quite labile. The imperious organ is not very well specified; and motors of transfer are rather mixed up with other systems of emergence. The cordinificator of such a signature does not want to insinuate itself into the feminine body all by itself. It always prefers to be integrated into the system of a man who becomes the circuit of centralisation for this femininity. (…)

1. Man and Woman: A Symbolism of Paradise

2. Man, an integrator of energy; Numeration of Controlled Emergence

3. Selectivity of the Numerator of Imperious Figure

4. Acceleration of the Feminine Signature

II Operation of Numeration of Interiority

1. Fluidifying the Systems of Emergence

2. Selection of the Systems likely to Be Integrated, and Explosion of the Systems of Condensation

3. Numeration of interiority; Integration of the System of Exteriority

4. Configuration of a System of Internal Numeration; Codification

5. Strengthening the Contracts of Emergence by means of Metallian Systems



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I Process of Numeral Transfer

1. Direct Communication with Systems of Synthetic Numeration

On account of conditions of numeration severed from the exterior energy, the numerator of imperious figure has carried out a manoeuvre of interiorisation activated by rotten powers communicating with distant systems. The orders of mutants therefore are signed on mecanian zones that are directly signed, strengthened and terminated by non-integrable sal-10 mutant zones. The inquiry of the numerations of exteriority has welded circuits of numeration of this kind. The arreasoning of a synthetic numerator is good for an antenna of Sumerian transfer. This enables us to normalise figures in a more accurate way than with the emergences system-10-83-02, section-985, 655. This means that contacts are about to be restored. Why? Because the councils-6 have asked for direct communication with the systems of synthetic numeration. (…)

1. Transfers of Synthetic Numeration; the North-South Codifier

2. Building the Organ of Synchronised Emergence

3. Procedure of Circled Gradual Emergence

4. System of Synthetic Emergence

5. A Gradual Synthetic Resonator on the Imperious Antenna

6. Contracts of Emergence; Circle-12

7. Agreement of Numeral Transfer; Correlation of Synthesis

II A Transfer in a Zone of Emergence

1. Beings of Transfer-8 or 4; Numeration of Interiority, of Inferiority, or of Exteriority

2. Co-ordinators of Imperious Figure and Decanters of Metallisation

3. Gordages
of Emergence and of Imperious Mutant

4. Numeral De-framing, Zones of Pressures, and Diseases

5. Transmuting the Substantial Body into an Absolute Sumerian Transferor

6. Robotic System, a Support for Transmitting Transmutation

III Configuration of Unitary Transfer

1. Robotic circuit, and Co-ordination of Imperious Figure

2. Substilisation
, and Robotic Co-ordination

3. Configuration of Unitary Transfer

4. Vortex of Emergence, Biospheral Field, and Planes of Formalisation

5. Complete Control of Interiority

6. Consecrators; External Contract

7. Normaliser of Interiority, and Synthetic Co-ordinator

8. Controller of Internal Energy; Consecrator of Numeration; Circle-12

9. Circuit-5; Resonance, and Transfer of Synthetic Emergence

10. Bending Exterior Circuits Inwards; a Transitional Configuration

11. Consecration of the Network of Imperious Figure; Welder of Mutants

12. Co-ordination of Synthesis; Forceps of Numeration

13. Numerations of Interiority and of Exteriority; Organ of Interiority

IV Substilisation

1. A Demarcated Co-ordination of Imperious Figure

2. Gordages
of Emergence; Fignatures

3. Building the Circuit of Substilisation

4. Correlation of Synthetic Numeration; Contract of Synchronised Synthesis

5. A Signature of a Sumerian Type in Three Parts

V Demarcation, and the Process of Emergence

1. An Individual Emergence Process, or an Emergence linked to Other Beings

2. Distinguishing Integrable and Non-integrable Figures; Managing the Systems of Power

3. Uplifting the Signatures, and Eliminating the Systems of Inferiorisation

4. Configuration of emergence; Directions of Numeration

5. A Synchronously Connected Synthetic Communication

6. Consecrator of Metallisation with Gradual Contracts

7. Sorting out the Figures, and Dividing Non-integrable Signatures

8. The Need for Equalising Hierarchical Systems



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I Difficulties of Emergence on a Disconnected Planet

1. Intervention of the Numerator of Interiority; Luter-4; De-framed Emersions

The incarnation of a system of internal transmitter already having taken figures from other dimensions to carry out operations of numeration of synthesis, has a specific normalisation, since its co-ordinators of imperious figure - working at the same time as its signal of numeration -, already have had the opportunity to reverse certain polarities with this system of numeration. As a result, contracts of imperious figure are much easier when done with a system of unitary numeration having already been transferred onto other dimensions during its voyages through the diverse dimensions of the unity. This is the reason why motors of emergence are engraved on formal planes starting from bodies of mutant incarnated in those systems of numeration.
When a contract of emergence is set up, this generally occurs because the numerator of interiority, which is the presidium of the contacted figure, already had the opportunity to emerge signatures into other dimensions. The imperious signature then is transmuted through the consecrator of imperious figure signing the contract with the energies of the luter-84 - in other words, the figure of power standing below apparent forms on Earth. When you number figures of this kind, certain emersions always get de-framed, for it is not possible to sign with the totality of the masters of mutant. (…)

2. Junction of the Systems of Force on a Disconnected Planet

3. A Unified Organ of Numeration; Integrate, Do Not Desintegrate

II The Conditions for Contact with Sumerian Fellowships

1. Superior Intervention over the Incarnation; Bilocation

2. Journeying out of the Biological Body - Exteriorisation or Inferiorisation of Energy Bodies

3. Intervention of a Transferor of Interiority

4. Motors of Energy

5. Normalisation of a System of Emergence; Circle of Life

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1 What is spirit?

2 Does Spirit Equal Intelligence?

3 Is Spirit related to Matter or is it Independent from it?

4 What is the Origin of Matter?

5 Is the Matter Made of only one or several Elements?

6 Can we Speak of 'Inert Matter' and 'Intelligent Matter'?

7 Has the Matter Been Existing since ever or Was it Created by a Spirit Creator?

8 Is the Weight the Main Attribute of the Matter?

9 Can the Ageing of the Physical Body Be Avoided?
The physical body polarised between a plane of light and a plane of power - Transforming one's surroundings with a view to repatriation of extreme systems
- Situation of internal, external and imperious energy attuned to continuous transformation towards the unity of synthesis - The transmutation of external and imperious systems - A codification centred on the system of internal transfer - Transfer of extreme systems; a zone of enframing of light - Demarcating the system of management that surrounds the internal unitary numeration - Biological and robotic relaying-links allowing to treat on a complete unitary configuration.

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1 Why are certain beings born on Earth with inheritances and huge capacities, whereas others lack material means, and rather have restrictions instead?
Extreme codification fitting the system of power that must be reinserted
Co-ordinating the circuits of power in the direction of the unitary transfer.

2 Can we consider that priviledged beings having a special gift or a fortune, and arriving in families that protect them, etc., are souls having journeyed for a long time already, and that they have brought back their exterior and inferior systems until those circuits can support them when they come into the world of form and incarnation?

3 How is decided the fact that certain people have a large fortune while others have nothing at all?

4 How is merit of non-merit evaluated in the management of a being's existence?

Counter-balancing diverse planes: a problem of different law-systems - The awakening and transmutation of layers of inferior power - The dimension of inner choice; consciously managing the hookings of power - Material, spatial, time and timeless transfers according to the individual's consciousness - Junction of figures of power according to the individual's managing ability.


1 What is the kind of figures that can settle over on a computer? Integration of inferior figures - A mecanian organisation to palliate the fluctuations of biological system - Interdimensional network; intermediary internel, eternel and externel floors - Transformation of the X13 trough a situation of synthesis.

2 Is it better to treat figures of power through a unique biological body, or through several biological body; or through one biological body associated with several biological bodies and a mecanian system?

3 Is the recording of these extreme circuits on a mecanian circuit a progress with regard to the treatment of these extreme systems through re-centralisation by a biological system?
A prothesis of mecanian re-centralisation in extreme zones - System of extreme control; imperious re-concentration.

4 When a being has re-centralised its systems of imperious numeration on a mecanian circuit of synthesis, does this fact provoke transformations in the situation of extreme systems on peripheral biological bodies?

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1 What can the constants of modern physics represent, such as Planck's constant, the limit of the speed of light, and so on?
ystems of numeration and codes of transfer: Planck's constant - Motors of transfer, and the creation of new particles between the subtle and formal planes - Ancestor-6 - Ancestor-X13 - The treatment of configurations of imperious figure: vortex quitus-13 - Exterior transfer of limit - Condition for the reinsertion upon a higher level.

2 Where do lightnings come from? And why do they exist on this planet Earth?

3 How is the impact of lightnings decided?
Weld of slaughter-4; codes of transfer of light - Code of normalisation; change of numeral codification - When a human being is struck by lightning .

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1 What type of mutation is currently being prepared?

2 What is the difference between a codified system and a numbered system?

Sumerianised, numbered and coded systems - Controls of Sumerian insertion according to codifications.

3 What about the current situation of planet Earth with regard to the circuit of internal unity?
Communication between different planets
- A reinsertion programme for a planet and its inhabitants - Transforming the networks of extreme energy - Arcanias numerator of insertion.

4 What is the origin of the pyramids on planet Earth?

An instrument for the re-concentration and elevation of energies - A creation taking million years through the condensation of exterior bodies - Pyramdal crystalline mineral formations.

5 Why were the pyramids built and who made them?
Codification from signatures of external unity for the emergence of an enormous power
- Utilisation of matter for an operation of return - A system controlled by beings of imperious emergence - Codification with a signature of light.

6 What are the meaning and origin of statues on Easter Island? For which reason were these statues erected?
Setting up a control of the motors of power
- Bringing numerations to a stop : The sinking of the systems of power - Shape and orientation of the statues.

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