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Tome I

Unitary Science
Questions - Answers

Translation update 10/2003

Chapter 1: Operation of Unitary Transfer
Chapter 2: The New Alliance: A Correlation of Totality
Chapter 3: Internal Consciousness and the Worlds of Form
Chapter 4: Unitary Sumerian Science
Chapter 5: Numeral Junction
Chapter 6: Direct Sumerian Reinsertion
Chapter 7: Enframing of Internel Unitary Numeration
Chapter 8: Signature of Sumerian Synthesis
Chapter 9: Internal Unitary Numeration
Chapter 10: Imperious Mastery and Systems of Distortion


An Adventure of Conciousness
Interdimensional Architectural Wefts
Science and Consciousness
A Language of Resonance
The Quest of a Pioneer


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I Constitution, Rhythm, Control of Transfers

1. Reasons Preventing Contact between The Internal Numeration and the Being of Synthesis

The internal numeration of the human being's body is ready to meet his being of synthesis and there are reasons why this cannot be achieved. Most of the time, the human being is in exterior tracing compared to his circuit of internal unitary numeration and he keeps a part of his elements of synthesis for extremely exterior operations. The energetic ampere of his body, in other words, the energy situation of his body, is scattered in operations having no signature with other dimensions of synthesis. In certain conditions of existence - for example, a peaceful place such as a motu, a small coral island - the numeral form of the beings is far more adapted to their biological body. Imperious elements need transfers. That is why people tend to move to heavy zones most of the time, in an attempt to transfer their system of power (in French: puissance). However, imperious matter is always a question of signature. In other words, it is not sufficient to go where those powers lie. One must be able to develop, in these zones, architectures of control that allow the transfer of these forces. The majority of people are in fact called by their signature of power, but the consecration of their system of synthesis being inadequate, they do not have the ability to create conditions to transform these floors of power into integrated systems in the zones of disconnection. (...)

2. Organisation of Existence According to the Transfer

3. Disappearance of Dispersive Elements

4. Equilibrium of the Being and Speed of Transfer

5. Rhythm of Transfer and Circles of the Unity

6. Transmutation of Luminous Interiority and Control of Synthesis

II Council 6- The Living and the Dead

1. The Living and the Dead

2. Organ of Sumerian Transfer and Welding of Synthesis

III Control of interiority

1. Need for Control and Unitary Energetic Value

2. Control of interiority

3. Sumerian Confederation, Disconnection and Reunification

4. Internal Unitary Reinsertion

IV Internal Unitary Reinsertion

1. Power of Reinsertion

2. Primitive Forces and Exterior Fluctuations

3. Continuity of Consciousness-Energy and Discontinuity of Form

4. Immortal Continuity and Substantial Re-structuring

5. Vibral Impregnation and Aura of Light


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I - The Origin of Telepathic Transmissions

Transferring unity interior number 3425. The contracts of numeration that have been coded utilise the human form to sign contracts of form in the world of inferior transfers.

1. From Consciousness to Power: Different Types of Messages

When you live on a mortal planet like the one where you are, the consciousness of the numerator of interiority is reduced. However, in more elevated worlds, the consciousness of the signatures of unity is extremely sharp, and the contact between worlds only occurs provided that certain beings are endowed with the capacity of re-inserting their signature into the unitary contact. The consciousness of a system of internal mutant only occurs if a being of internal consciousness has come down into this formalised body. That is the reason why, sometimes, when bodies of imperious mutants invest their energy in a body, they do not necessarily produce a consciousness of synthesis but a form of consciousness transitional with regard to this consciousness of synthesis. This is how a number of organised psychics are created and organised to subdue signatures of power (in French: puissance) in certain areas and give information concerning energy planes that are contacted by circuits of power but not integrated in the system of synthetic unitary numeration. (...)

2. Selecting Energies that Concern the Signal of Internal Unitary Numeration

II - Conditions for the Inner Communication, and Sumerian Synthesis

2. Conditions for an Intervention of the Internal Unitary Numeration

3. The Sumerian Essence

III - Internal Unitary numeration, External Numeration, and Imperious Systems

1 .
Information from Figures of Power - System of exteriority B4

2. Code of Synchronized Numeration, and Imperious Numeration

3. Love, a Programme of Emergence towards Rapture

4. Keeping Contact with the System of Power , and Demarcating it

5. Human Beings: Vectors of Transfer

6. Correlation between Human and Infra-human Planes; a Signature of Totality

7. Demarcation of, and Mastery over, the Exteriority and the Inferiority

IV Interdimensional Transfers, and the Signature of Unification

1. Normalisation of the Operations of Transfer

2. The Control of Energy Uprisings-04 and 06

3. Energetic Nucleus, and Vessel of Imperious Emergence

4. Alliance of Interiorisation

5. A System of Sumerian Synchronization

6. Unitary Correlation and Gordages of Numeration

7. Internel Unity, and the Contracts of Exteriority

8. Internal Repatriation, and the Temptations of Exteriority

9. Toughness, an Obstacle to Exteriorization - Imperious B4

10. Rememberance

11. Descent to Hell, and the Contracts of Interiorization

12. The Contract of Imperious Figure

13. The Councils of Exterior Luminosity - the Inferior Formal

14. Junction of the Signal of Imperious Mutant; Enlightenment

15. Configuration of a Being in Complete Inner Transfer

16. Luminous Body

17. The 07, and the Contracts of Synchronized Numeration


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I - Consciousness, the Internal Energy, the Light and the Plane of Forms

Luminosity and Continuity between Interior and Inferior or Exterior Levels

The safety of a system of internal energy depends on its agreements with those living in the plane of forms. It is a question of luminosity. Whatever the system of synthesis, it is the light existing between interiority and the inferior or exterior forms that enables it to meet with the system of forms. This light is a tirade of energy occurring between these two figures; and the eternel network watching over this light equalises the signatures between worlds. This is why the forces of light engraving their circuit into this plane sometimes find it difficult to keep their equality because the kind of numeration existing on this planet is very complex. The forces have been diverted on this planet. The major part of the galls (16) of mutants organised in this world are always turned to the side of force rather than to the side of internal energy. (...)

2. The Awakening of Internal Unitary Figures

3 . The Salvation of Souls

4 . Areas of Energetic Compression, and Pockets of Energy of Light

5 . Exterior Circle and Divided Power

6 . Signature of Sumerian Synthesis

7. Eternel Consciousness and Internel Numeration

8 . Synthetic Numeral Correlation, and Formalization

9 . Reconnecting of the Mighty-ones of Form

10 . Integrable Transfer of Light

II Incarnation: Programming, Contract of Interiorization

1. The Body of Numeration, and Sumerian Contact

2. Control, and Circle of Internal Unity

3. Figures of Reinsertion, and Antenna of Numeration

4. The Elect: Body of Numeration Anticipated in Direct Line

5. Contracts of Interiorisation

6. Communications of Internal Unitary Numeration

7. Messages of Synthesis: Reception and Operativity


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I Unification and return

1. The Circles of Numeration and the Organ of Transfer

It is indispensable to understand that the circles of numeration now intergalactically reversing themselves must be much more accurate in their positions. We can no longer consider that certain bodies, after some twenty years of preparation on this numerator, having involved signatures on the interiority of the figure, can possibly remain in passive or half-sleeping conditions in relation with the numerations of eternel attuned to the internel unitary signature. You must create righteous conditions of synchronisation. The advice that we give the elect is mostly to drift away from areas of injustice and inaccuracy. The personality of a system very quickly destroys itself in areas of inaccuracy. The control of interiority is indispensable to keep the consonance with the heavens.

2. Exteriorisation of Insufficiently Coded Beings

3. Consecration, and the Contract of Internal Numeration

4. Synchronized Growessence, and Body of the Unity

5. Contracts of Transmitter - Numbered Planets

6. Partial Creatures, and the Force of Inferior Transmitter

7. Matter and Unitary Reinsertion

8. Matter of Interior Transmitter, and External Control

9. Partion
and Ber System

10. Contract of Interiorization - Last Judgement

11. Integration into the Internel Unitary Systhesis

II Contracts of Sumerian Numeration

1. Networks, and Motors of Interiority

2. Drugs, and Energetic Destruction

3. Miracles, and the Bodies of Sumerian Essence

4. Goldfather
: Reintegration into the Field of the Father

5. Energy Rationing: Reduction of the Signatures of Form

6. Brothers and Sisters of Light

7. Consecration, Bodyguards, Spells of Inferior Transmitter

9. Transfers of Numeration - Paroxysm

10. Dispuration, Change of Numeration, Sumerian Science

11. Man-woman Complementarity - Sumerian Synchronisation


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I Transfer of Power

1. Lights of Sumerian Emergence - Contracts of Newrising

When the imperious circles sign contracts of inner unity, it is necessary to lift the veil and reveal certain truths, because these bodies become inferior through lack of truth. The ensign-10, inner light and circle of power are elements that are in permanent correlation. When you watch over a system of emergence, you are compelled to go through those three signatures. Then, the co-ordinator of interior of these figures signs no contract if the inner circle of a being is not sufficiently subtle.
You hold certain imperious elements within that are constantly working with you; but they leave the exterior areas when they have forms of power that attune them. You are codes of inferior mutants - you, for the moment in the body of form - and you do not number all the circuits. For instance, when you see lights appearing in the sky, they are lights from the internal unity moving outside of their circuit of numeration. It is the power of imperious figure that sectioned them from their area of Sumerian essence, because it anchors the circuits by making them leave the internal system of the universe. (...)

2. Codifications of the Fathers-of-U - Inner Numeration

3. The Inner formal Being and the Contract of Imperious Figure

4. Networks of Imperious Figure

5. Synthetic Sumerian Contract: the Prophet

6. Codes of Numeration - Light-18

II Operations of Transfer - Synthetic Code

1. Choosing One's Level of Transfer

2. Numeration Time

3. Timelessness, Time, Space, and the Circle-2

Synchronized Transmitters - Continuity of Sumerian Cordification

5. Body of Synthesis - Infinity

6. Sumerian Reinsertion of the Physical Vehicle

7. Mecanian
Vessel - Motor of Exterior Transfer

8. Operational Regroupings - Body of Synchronized Numeration

9. Encounters between Beings - Co-ordination of Numeration

10. The Body of Life, and Circle of Future Unity

11. Energetic Co-ordinated Group: Quality of the Numeration of Synchronization

12. The Signature of Exterior Emergence



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I Codification of Internal-External Numeration

1. Synthetic Unitary Numeration, and Numeration of Synchronisation

A coding of numeration that is very strong as far as synthetic numeration is concerned is something that the signatory of the unity will utilises very much; but additionally, it is particularly maintained so that it can stay in its line of functionality. On the other hand, a system having no synthetic unitary numeration, executing no plan of synthesis, and creating no specific Sumerian conditions is a system that still can be utilised for the numerations of synchronisation during a certain time. But vortices of numeration are more and more powerfully clinging to its circuit; and they divert its energies into increasingly awkward areas. Then, the coding of interior emergence divides itself; and the motor of imperious figure no longer numers this kind of signature. The organ of life of such an exterior circle of numeration is not very long; it cannot be continued very much throughout time because the matter moves it aside in space and destroys it from its unities of synthesis, which pass through the time line.

2. Codifier of Interiority - System of Exteriority

3. The Oath: a Codification of Internal Unitary Numeration

4. Morganas and Synchronized Systems

5. The Narrow Door: Internal Unitary System

6. Quantitative Mass Systems - Surveyors

7. Exteriorisation, Inferiorisation, and Unitary Reinsertion

8. Difficulty of the Exteriorisation Tracing - Risk of No Return

II Reinsertion into a Zone of Internal Unitary Transfer

1. Order and Limit

2. Sumerian Reinsertion; Coding of Direct Synchronized Numeration

3. Signed Numeral Seten, a Condition for Permanent Telepathic Communication

4. Simerian
, Sumerian, Semerian and the Codification f Interiority

5. Synthetic Contract; The Internel, Eternel, Externel and Seternel Codification


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I Interiorisation Programme, and Enframing of Numeration

1. Codes of Sumerian Numeration

Codes of Sumerian numeration
are continuously implanted into biological bodies. The body of inner numeration is one of the fundamental elements for the consistency of a system of form. If you had no Sumerian essence in your circuit, your molecular matter would not stay on this conformity. Therefore, in a way, the Sumerian system is the system of inner numeration signing the contract of transfer that concerns the inferior form. However, networks of emergence are always enframed on a signature of progressive synthesis. In other words, the circles of transfer are already adapted to forces that are inherent in a body or a group of bodies. The bodyguards of a signature gradually become involved as and when the forces of numeration are set in this body.
When you have a very strong contract of transfer, it is because your bodies of exterior numeration have all gathered together and allow you to create very good conditions for synchronised numeration. In Sumerian verification, it is said that when a contract of interiorisation is luminously attuned, its exteriorities pass the doors at speed 125 or 126. Its codifications are codifications of light and they collect gradual energies. Castor-208 is a vessel of the synthetic unity. It watches over bodies of mutant and signs upon Sumerian circles-6625. For instance, 85 is a system of direct transmitter that guides circuits on an antenna of interiority; but it does not spare its efforts.

2. Signatory of Transfer - System of Transmitter-5

3. System of Exterior and Inferior of Transmitter

4. A Tracing in Seternel, Externel, Eternel and Internel zones

5. Danger of De-framing - Material Hooking Process - "Grow and multiply"

6. An Example of Operativity of Exteriority

II De-framing Operation - Rebuilding an Exterior Control

1. Formalised Diverter - Control of Exterior Numeration

2. Revisions of Light - Material Support System

III Creation of a Platform of Internel Unitary Numeration

1. Exteriorisation, and Downfall into an Inferior Zone

2. The Gathering of Numerations Attuned to a Signature of Internal Numeral Transfer

3. Mecanian
and Metallian Robotic Controls, and Continuity of Synthesis



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I System of Sumerian Transmitter, and Contact of Synthesis

The Cord of Synthesis of the Sumerian Order

In a system of Sumerian transmitter, contracts are different according to the areas to which one happens to be linked. If you are normalised on a unitary antenna, your body of numeration is very precise. But if you are coded on parallel antennas, your system of transmitter slowly moves and divides its initiations before reaching the synthetic signatures. In a body of Sumerian synthesis, most of the bodies of Sumerian essence attuned to this circuit are located in different places according to their ordinations. The cord of synthesis of the Sumerian order appears among the most synthetic orders of the universe. Therefore, a being's organ of transfer can be very interior. When you watch over this type of codes, your life is almost continuously watched over. Whether you are a formal of imperious numeration or a formal of exterior numeration, all of you have extremely reconnected codings of numeration.(...)

2. Communications between Other Dimensions and the Earth

3. Opening-up to a Complete Signature of Sumerian Synthesis

4. Figure of Externel Signature

5. Severer of Mutant

6. Organ of Interior and Exterior Transfer

7. Motors 56-57-58 - A Reunification of Synthetic Numeration

8. Bodies of Transfer - Energetic Mecaniser-83

9. Weaving of Synthetic Numeration - Direct Transfer

II A Process of Numeration on an Antenna of Synthesis

1. Integration of the Organ of Transfer into a Circuit of Council;The Building of

2. Metallisation of a System of Exterior Numeration

3. Principles of Sumerian Numeration

4. A Communication Signed with Sublimated Energetic Systems

5. Formal Body and Subtle Body

III Junction of the Signature of Numeration at a Being's Arrival on this Plane

1. Re-welding on an Antenna of Sumerian Synthesis

2. Synchronization of Light - Enlightenment

3. Sumerian Ascent

4. Miltar

5. Normalisation of Final Power

6. Roses of Light: Celestial Mothers

7. Synthesis of the Signature of Metallisation; Organ of Normalisation

8. Contract of Synthetic Emergence



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I Contract of Synthetic Numeration

Sumerian Contract of Emergence

A Sumerian contract of emergence demarcates the areas of power for each figure. When you live on a plane, your energy is limited by a contract of numeration. If you disseminate this energy, your network of Sumerian energy moves onto a higher dimension and you are partly deprived of a contract of numeration. On the other hand, when you collect the elements for your contract of numeration, the system of synthetic numeration comes closer to your signature. This is why the beings that normalise themselves and sign their contract of synthesis by mastering all of their signatures are in numeral correlation. This situation can be permanent indeed if the numerator properly maintains its surrounding system of energy. Conversely, certain beings divide their signature, turning to kinds of powers that cannot be integrated into the signal - in other words, they do not select the circuits they are relating to, putting themselves in conditions of transfer that cannot be unified to the circuit of synthesis.

2. Reliability of the Synthetic Numeration

3. Co-ordinator of Emergence - Signature of Synthesis

4. Last Judgement

II Contracts of Energy, Contracts of Emergence

1. Organ of Inner Transfer - Contract of Energy

2. Conditions of Access to a Signature of the Unity

3. Sumerian and Submerian Contracts of Emergence

4. Male and Female Human Bodies

5. Organ of Exterior Numeration

6. Signed Contract of Emergence - Metallian Systems

7. Metallian
System, Circle of Mutants and Prothesis of Power

8. Stabilising the Motors of Effervescent Inversion

III Connection between Unitary Synthesis and Phenomenological Power

1. Councils of the Order; Transmuting Force and Descending Force

2. Hostages of Inferior Mecanisation

3. Drift of a System Due to tje Hooking of Power

4. Codification of the Internal Unity; Conditions for the Return of Diverted Beings

5. Contact with Synthetic Beings; Incarnation of a New Sumerian System



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I Transfers of Emergence, and Distortions of power

Codings of Transmitter: Practical Mind and Higher Mind

The codes that you are using on this plane stem from a synchronisation taking place between the elders of the internal unity and the circles of the external unity. The codings of transmitter that we practise therefore are synchronisations between the system of Sumerian consciousness that has a purely telepathic contract dimension, and the systems of mental analysis that you awaken on this plane to connect circuits that are in exterior transfer with regard to the Sumerian synthesis, as the latter is not disconnected and has a continuity in all of its functioning systems. The co-ordinators of emergence watching over this type of operation cut the signatures of power exterior to this signature of interiority. For this reason, one can distinguish between a practical mind and a superior mind because the mental of power always keeps a resonator of inferior force attuned to its emanations, whereas the system of numeration of synthesis, when becoming attuned to the system of exterior force, has a transferor that is unfastened from the systems of inferior power. As a result, its synchroniser is much subtler.

2. Controlling the Systems of Emergence

3 . Codes of Emergence - Dispersive Circles of Numeration

II Altruism and the Signature of Prophetic Synthesis

1. The Line of Synthetic Numeration

2. The Causes of Distortion of a System of Emergence

3. Communication of Interiority

4. Signature of Prophetic Synthesis - Altruism and Charity

5. Choosing One's Level of Altruism

6. Altruistic and Individualistic Systems

7. Loss of Emergence; Lowering of the Subtle System

III Exterior or Superior Beauty, Goodness, Truth

1. Exterior Reflections of a Superior Dimension of Beauty, Goodness and Truth

2. Exterior Egoistic or Interior Altruistic Beauty

3. Fascination for, or Mastery of the Line of Brilliance

4. The Power of Re-compressing Synthetic Energy - Danger of Exterior Hooking

5. Canalising a Beam of Brilliance

6. Mastery over Areas of Condensation and Formalisation

IV Stocks of Imperious Energy, and Re-balancing Process

1. Energy Stocks on the Planes of Imperious Figure

3. Re-balancing the Systems of Emergence in a Zone of Unitary Synthesis


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1 Who are we?

2 Why have we been created on this planet, the Earth?

3 Where does this world come from?

4 How did all this begin?

5 Are there other lives elsewhere?

6 Are we a unique case on this terrestrial planet?

7 Are we alone?

8 Why is condensation created?

9 Is the world a school? Does it need to stay at this school level, or is it possible that superior interventions truly make it evolve?

10 Will it be possible for the human being, at the present time, to reach a more evolved civilisation based on spiritual values?


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1 Is there an intelligence that created something?

2 Does chance or random exist in the creation of matter?

3 Can we receive information from superior dimensions through senses other than those of the physical body?

4 Can we understand the principle of things and perceive its mystery?

5 Can we discover the secrets of matter with the help of current scientific techniques?

6 Can we find the origin-source of things within the intimate properties of matter?

7 What is the importance of the Creature with regard to the Creator and the Creation?
The inner body: inferior-exterior-interior-superior continuity - Junction of systems of extreme energy between the Creator and the Creation - Creator-creature-creation triangle: participating in divinity - Contact with the Creator-Creature-Creation eutectic point of synthesis - Mortal formal created plane, and immortal non-formal created plane - Continuity between formal and invisible creatures - Approaching the area of Creator-Creation conjunction - The Creature's awareness of the Creator's thought: Return of the prodigal son - Eutectic contact point: The Creation's response to a connectec Creature - Permanent cyclology between Creation, formal Creature, invisible Creature and Creator - Conjunction between the motionless God and the experiential God: Deification of the Creature - Simultaneous Togetherness of the Creator with the formal Creature, and of the invisible Creature with the Creation - Creature-creator conjunction: influence upon invisible hierarchies - The Creature, as the Creator's strenghtening link with the Creation - A Digital formalisation programme - Bringing back a energy quintessence into the field of pure energy.


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1 What can truly determine the acceleration of a being's evolution?
Analysis of information coming from experience fields - Mastery over explosive forces - Consciousness-power life programme.

2 Does our past determine our future or does our future create our evolution line and thus our past and present?
Space field, cyclological time line, timeless synthesis - Spiral of time: from power to consciousness - Gaining access to a consciousness of the future - Drawing into the present a system of consciousness from the future - Returning to dimensions of Sumerian essence.


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1 Is there a limit to the universe ?
Permanent consciousness-energy-form ratio - Internal continuity of energy, and discontinuity of form - Centralisation or expansion of the universe - Unitary or multiple state according to inner science - Simultaneous exteriorisation or re-interiorisation - Concepts of the contracts of internal energy - A process of dematerialising subtilisation - Organ of integrality, and the contracts of imperious energy: ber systems - Tuning in to the immanent universal internal gravity - The apple from the tree of life, and the internal unity.

2 Of what interest is it to deal with circuits signed on extreme areas?
Interior and exterior controls until extreme areas - Non-direct transfer of extreme circuits - Reinserting the systems of imperious numeration damaged on exterior areas - Continuity between all the systems of exteriority within the B4 - Imperious mecanisation - transfers of light - Interior, exterior and inferior cords connected to the internal unitary numeration - Treating non-coded systems through external relaying-links - Gathering bodies of power on unitary antennas.

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